miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023
1142 hash passwords
blake2b-512(XhNTWA) blake2b-512(XhnvAr) blake2b-512(xhNWld02) blake2b-512(XHNWYWGY) blake2b-512(xHnx7r9w) blake2b-512(xhnxjgk4) blake2b-512(xho12upqvin) blake2b-512(xho4874) blake2b-512(xho5wbd8) blake2b-512(xHO6v27L) blake2b-512(xho9979) blake2b-512(xhoal2pgsrk) blake2b-512(xhochex57) blake2b-512(xHODbQO183) blake2b-512(xhode22) blake2b-512(XhOg3aE6) blake2b-512(Xhoi0a) blake2b-512(xhoisan) blake2b-512(xhojo) blake2b-512(xhokaxhiu123) blake2b-512(xhoked) blake2b-512(xhole) blake2b-512(xholes) blake2b-512(Xholes6) blake2b-512(XHOMCBCV) blake2b-512(xhon07k) blake2b-512(xhonda) blake2b-512(xhongqing) blake2b-512(xhOnQ) blake2b-512(XHOOGAR1) blake2b-512(xhoogar18) blake2b-512(xhookers) blake2b-512(xhooph) blake2b-512(xhop0099) blake2b-512(xhopex) blake2b-512(xhopper) blake2b-512(xhorsema) blake2b-512(xhosa1313) blake2b-512(xhosaa) blake2b-512(xHoSeciV) blake2b-512(xhossx) blake2b-512(xhost88923) blake2b-512(xhosting88923) blake2b-512(xhosyoot) blake2b-512(XHOT) blake2b-512(xhotx) blake2b-512(xhotxchn) blake2b-512(xhotyej4) blake2b-512(XHoUn83i) blake2b-512(xhowe) blake2b-512(xhowsjny4u) blake2b-512(xhowyann) blake2b-512(xhOyW2Sc) blake2b-512(xhp1mx4) blake2b-512(XHP2J7R7) blake2b-512(xhp6ca) blake2b-512(xhpio10) blake2b-512(xhpjklcb) blake2b-512(XHPX2PAm) blake2b-512(xhpz4fvg) blake2b-512(xhPz63A) blake2b-512(xhq3g) blake2b-512(xhq4e5fw) blake2b-512(xhq5291) blake2b-512(XHQ5KF4O) blake2b-512(xhq7422) blake2b-512(xHQ7Jbtq) blake2b-512(xhq91n7a) blake2b-512(XHQbqg2rTE) blake2b-512(xHQNXSQ3) blake2b-512(xhqouqsp) blake2b-512(XHQrKcb) blake2b-512(XHr) blake2b-512(xhR4QWopZA7) blake2b-512(xHR7I) blake2b-512(xhr8qt) blake2b-512(xhrcbafna) blake2b-512(xHRDSCFK) blake2b-512(xhretmyc) blake2b-512(xhri6rljek) blake2b-512(xhrisbl8) blake2b-512(xhrkc9gt) blake2b-512(XhrNdrhyhD) blake2b-512(xhro5os) blake2b-512(xhRPAuGD) blake2b-512(xhrqlr8l) blake2b-512(xhrRR2H) blake2b-512(xHrSR247) blake2b-512(xhrtoiv2) blake2b-512(xhry1n4w3i) blake2b-512(XHRZRKGR) blake2b-512(xhs1235) blake2b-512(xhs2M9N) blake2b-512(xhs2M9NE) blake2b-512(xhS4X7Q) blake2b-512(xhs5hr) blake2b-512(xhs8712) blake2b-512(XHS907TZ) blake2b-512(xhsa75a) blake2b-512(xhsb99) blake2b-512(xhsbp9ij) blake2b-512(xhscy6m) blake2b-512(xhSDqhzFZuCow) blake2b-512(xhSFHXT4CZ) blake2b-512(xhsfuV7L) blake2b-512(XhsIKApx) blake2b-512(XHSKVQKZ) blake2b-512(xhslbpnjmus) blake2b-512(XHsM2iCeqT) blake2b-512(xhsmzsbb) blake2b-512(XhSNcMOXmRzxQ) blake2b-512(XHSNIPAR) blake2b-512(XhSOfRsK) blake2b-512(xhsVB9) blake2b-512(xHsXrtH7) blake2b-512(XHSYGXWJ) blake2b-512(XHSZCDUL) blake2b-512(xht715) blake2b-512(xht9917) blake2b-512(Xhta6Q) blake2b-512(XHTBFCSU) blake2b-512(xHtBxCwm) blake2b-512(xhtfkruw) blake2b-512(xhTFmu) blake2b-512(xhtfnbj) blake2b-512(xhtfnbjo) blake2b-512(xHtfyZhBzb) blake2b-512(xhtlf032) blake2b-512(xhtlsos0) blake2b-512(xhtm65s5jf4h) blake2b-512(xHTP9g8T) blake2b-512(xhtr7nfq) blake2b-512(xhtrj42q) blake2b-512(xhtrjho3) blake2b-512(xhtuna) blake2b-512(xhtuptci) blake2b-512(xhtvpky8) blake2b-512(xhtw3) blake2b-512(xhtx1) blake2b-512(xhtxk1fq) blake2b-512(xhtyfntym) blake2b-512(xhtyjnrhjbi) blake2b-512(xhtywnem) blake2b-512(xhu36v8w) blake2b-512(xhu4418) blake2b-512(xhu7jxu2lmei) blake2b-512(XHU85AJapBX0) blake2b-512(XHUA8Zu) blake2b-512(XHUb6L8C) blake2b-512(XhuD5KkG) blake2b-512(xHUdcN2) blake2b-512(xhufflp4) blake2b-512(xhuffxet) blake2b-512(XHug6437) blake2b-512(xhugjza5yu) blake2b-512(xhugo33) blake2b-512(xhuhu4n) blake2b-512(xhuidcth) blake2b-512(XhuiqP) blake2b-512(Xhuj8huv) blake2b-512(xhukhpuu) blake2b-512(xhulgaxy) blake2b-512(xhuludx) blake2b-512(xhuludx1) blake2b-512(XHUlxRjV) blake2b-512(xhUMap) blake2b-512(xhumg725) blake2b-512(XHUMG725) blake2b-512(xhunaxhi) blake2b-512(xhung) blake2b-512(XHunR6) blake2b-512(xhunt) blake2b-512(XHUNTER87SPY) blake2b-512(xhup9m6c) blake2b-512(xhupbo) blake2b-512(XhuPcBcC70) blake2b-512(XhuPqg) blake2b-512(xhusband) blake2b-512(xhuuanng) blake2b-512(xhuvq74n) blake2b-512(xhuxhuxhu) blake2b-512(XHv2Se7B3) blake2b-512(xHV64G8m) blake2b-512(xhv7dh) blake2b-512(XHV840IF) blake2b-512(xHv96Z6C) blake2b-512(xhvcyxp) blake2b-512(xhVDW7) blake2b-512(XhVitg) blake2b-512(xhvksc) blake2b-512(xhvluyt6) blake2b-512(XHVNTGZC) blake2b-512(xhvokd2813) blake2b-512(xhvrcj) blake2b-512(xhvrd45v) blake2b-512(XHVSLQSK) blake2b-512(XHvvgtTx) blake2b-512(XHvwooW577) blake2b-512(xhw0bmzw) blake2b-512(xhw1925) blake2b-512(xhw5g4) blake2b-512(xhW643hB) blake2b-512(xhw9211) blake2b-512(XhwaFaFV) blake2b-512(xhwc1q) blake2b-512(XHWErVaN) blake2b-512(XhwGfg) blake2b-512(XHwhsZLvFd) blake2b-512(xhwi45k5) blake2b-512(xhwibN) blake2b-512(xhwjd2020) blake2b-512(xhWk3NXw) blake2b-512(xhwk4wkq) blake2b-512(xhwq6inogLbRo) blake2b-512(xhwrwjk42fa) blake2b-512(XHWSQ) blake2b-512(xHWsTcbDtKq2g) blake2b-512(xhwWy3XZ) blake2b-512(xhWYuzIN) blake2b-512(xhx368) blake2b-512(xhx4h5ex) blake2b-512(xhx55279) blake2b-512(xhx5851) blake2b-512(XHX7TI) blake2b-512(XHX8e6PU) blake2b-512(xhxa0e4a) blake2b-512(xhxcbbav) blake2b-512(xhxf) blake2b-512(xHxfrOirf1xHxfrOirf1) blake2b-512(xhXHAP2y) blake2b-512(xhxhf) blake2b-512(XhXHwuo7Y) blake2b-512(xhxhxhxhxh) blake2b-512(xhxn) blake2b-512(xhxnv) blake2b-512(XhXpYc) blake2b-512(xhXqPo) blake2b-512(xhxqrq89309) blake2b-512(XHXrmCdi) blake2b-512(XHXSCXQD) blake2b-512(XhxsPJ1s) blake2b-512(xhxwila1) blake2b-512(xHXy29s) blake2b-512(XhxYE7) blake2b-512(xhXzt7tx) blake2b-512(XHY52012) blake2b-512(xhybbzjb) blake2b-512(xhybridsix) blake2b-512(xhycii3Hg0sw) blake2b-512(xhyde9698) blake2b-512(XHYGNIND) blake2b-512(Xhylfidan) blake2b-512(Xhysaf) blake2b-512(xhyskwzl) blake2b-512(XHyXCV32) blake2b-512(xhyxuv) blake2b-512(XHyY645f) blake2b-512(XhyyxqjKAYWH) blake2b-512(xhyzvoi) blake2b-512(XHz296ik) blake2b-512(xhz3xn) blake2b-512(XHZ408ZV) blake2b-512(xhzah89g) blake2b-512(XHzaoF) blake2b-512(XHzBwfP3) blake2b-512(xhzdby123) blake2b-512(xhze3p4) blake2b-512(xhzgftkc) blake2b-512(xhzio020311) blake2b-512(XHZJJPBX) blake2b-512(xhZL2fi05fd42) blake2b-512(xhZm79bX) blake2b-512(XhzMLsgoUndRQ) blake2b-512(XHZN3leiRh) blake2b-512(xhZOa4) blake2b-512(Xhzok5) blake2b-512(xhzpfivv68) blake2b-512(xhzr8i6w) blake2b-512(xhztm80wj3) blake2b-512(xHZXPE) blake2b-512(xhzxsu8w) blake2b-512(XhZyhc65) blake2b-512(Xhzza2Ar) blake2b-512(xi0127) blake2b-512(XI03pNBZ) blake2b-512(xi0964) blake2b-512(xi0fpr845bn) blake2b-512(xi0jeq1x) blake2b-512(xi0m4r4) blake2b-512(xi0n1c5) blake2b-512(xi0ngnu) blake2b-512(xI0YxAM6BMkVc) blake2b-512(xi105fm) blake2b-512(XI11ofeK) blake2b-512(xi1234) blake2b-512(xi123456) blake2b-512(xi1234567) blake2b-512(xi15veqa) blake2b-512(xi1e9tdk) blake2b-512(xi1gHS) blake2b-512(xI1lgsIL) blake2b-512(xi1s12) blake2b-512(xi1Udo69) blake2b-512(xi1weg) blake2b-512(xi1z58ly) blake2b-512(xi22eigpopx) blake2b-512(Xi23cP8cVZ) blake2b-512(XI23T427) blake2b-512(xi254sr) blake2b-512(xi25ksg) blake2b-512(xi26oxua) blake2b-512(xi26teba) blake2b-512(xi2boN7R) blake2b-512(xI2gF3X1) blake2b-512(Xi2jHh0tA) blake2b-512(xi2qpuur1l) blake2b-512(xi2s6htr) blake2b-512(xi2y3xxc) blake2b-512(xi2y9i7a) blake2b-512(xi2yko8a) blake2b-512(Xi3186967) blake2b-512(xi319wb1) blake2b-512(xi39k294) blake2b-512(Xi3l2p) blake2b-512(xi3ofoma) blake2b-512(xi3oo) blake2b-512(xi3p9d7n) blake2b-512(xi3sp) blake2b-512(xi3spd8hsz3) blake2b-512(xi3x1hwhan) blake2b-512(xi3ystrj) blake2b-512(Xi416056) blake2b-512(xi44udum) blake2b-512(xi4621kp) blake2b-512(xi46ydio) blake2b-512(xi47zej4) blake2b-512(xi48xeds48xeds) blake2b-512(xi4984xi4984) blake2b-512(Xi4c2) blake2b-512(xi4c2402) blake2b-512(xi4gue) blake2b-512(xi4pcp) blake2b-512(xi4pnymd) blake2b-512(Xi522Nma) blake2b-512(xi53pbqp) blake2b-512(xi56oren) blake2b-512(xi59goub) blake2b-512(Xi5DpGab) blake2b-512(xi5fJn4a) blake2b-512(xi5gnlhy) blake2b-512(xi5ii5ewec) blake2b-512(xi5kap4ve) blake2b-512(Xi5m8D) blake2b-512(xi5na4.) blake2b-512(xi5x24vc) blake2b-512(xi5xgoub) blake2b-512(xi5xhpwd) blake2b-512(xi60s4m) blake2b-512(xi62u6fxss) blake2b-512(xi63gaiq) blake2b-512(xi67n5GB) blake2b-512(xi6amEpY) blake2b-512(xi6aspbn) blake2b-512(XI6cn47c) blake2b-512(xi6cPFR8) blake2b-512(Xi6k38) blake2b-512(XI6MF1) blake2b-512(xi6njyb8) blake2b-512(xI6XVVV4) blake2b-512(xi72g86v) blake2b-512(xI72Xy4nTvGb) blake2b-512(xi732xfz) blake2b-512(xi7397va) blake2b-512(xi73cm) blake2b-512(xi78Pate) blake2b-512(xi7aLq) blake2b-512(xi7eluxe) blake2b-512(xi7giqhh) blake2b-512(xi7gspht) blake2b-512(Xi7i45) blake2b-512(xi7KXMaD) blake2b-512(xi7nqfv) blake2b-512(Xi7O28So) blake2b-512(xi7rejnze2ohsd2) blake2b-512(xi842q36) blake2b-512(xI857vVf) blake2b-512(xi865777) blake2b-512(xi885cmh) blake2b-512(xi88DQ48) blake2b-512(xi8g4w0) blake2b-512(xi8jtt2d) blake2b-512(xi8lzi4e) blake2b-512(xi8M5BbF) blake2b-512(xI8ryh8u7A) blake2b-512(xi8sfd8) blake2b-512(xi9) blake2b-512(xi92bahy) blake2b-512(xi93vzl6) blake2b-512(Xi9g5hb3jJ) blake2b-512(xi9ijala) blake2b-512(xi9iq37) blake2b-512(xi9itjonas) blake2b-512(xI9JZ82v) blake2b-512(Xi9SZr4v) blake2b-512(Xi9YPwDW) blake2b-512(xia) blake2b-512(xia0ba) blake2b-512(xIa0iAt4) blake2b-512(xia0ming) blake2b-512(xia1) blake2b-512(xia184374) blake2b-512(xia22101984) blake2b-512(xia357) blake2b-512(xia384) blake2b-512(xia3iaGo) blake2b-512(xia7uy) blake2b-512(xiabeibei) blake2b-512(xiabl87) blake2b-512(xiacher) blake2b-512(xiachr) blake2b-512(xiachung) blake2b-512(xiacoeb9) blake2b-512(xiad3dv) blake2b-512(xiadedz5) blake2b-512(xiafielgruhfmge) blake2b-512(xiag) blake2b-512(xiah) blake2b-512(xiah189) blake2b-512(xiahagau) blake2b-512(xiahoudu) blake2b-512(XIai2RIS) blake2b-512(XIAITQOI) blake2b-512(xiajj29) blake2b-512(xiakai007) blake2b-512(xiakj13) blake2b-512(xiakuzas) blake2b-512(xiali911) blake2b-512(xialijie1208) blake2b-512(xiama646) blake2b-512(xiamara07.simi) blake2b-512(xiamen) blake2b-512(xiamenhuayi2) blake2b-512(xiamhel22) blake2b-512(xian) blake2b-512(xian2100) blake2b-512(xian2718) blake2b-512(xian33phuxx) blake2b-512(xian77) blake2b-512(xian777) blake2b-512(xian8864) blake2b-512(xianah) blake2b-512(xianahreca) blake2b-512(xiandariana) blake2b-512(xiandlxi) blake2b-512(xiandone) blake2b-512(xiandra) blake2b-512(xianfox9959) blake2b-512(xiang) blake2b-512(Xiang1) blake2b-512(xiang1117) blake2b-512(xiangda) blake2b-512(xianghua) blake2b-512(xiangrui) blake2b-512(xiangshibo) blake2b-512(xiangxiang) blake2b-512(xiani1036) blake2b-512(xianjian) blake2b-512(xianli) blake2b-512(xianmingsi) blake2b-512(xianna0815) blake2b-512(Xianna0815) blake2b-512(xiansheng) blake2b-512(xianxian) blake2b-512(xianxian2) blake2b-512(xianxian8) blake2b-512(xianyo) blake2b-512(xianzhe) blake2b-512(xiao) blake2b-512(xiao1220) blake2b-512(xiao1976) blake2b-512(xiao4587) blake2b-512(xiao5566521) blake2b-512(xiao8281) blake2b-512(xiaoa2002) blake2b-512(xiaoai) blake2b-512(xiaoaojianghu) blake2b-512(xiaobai) blake2b-512(xiaobai1981) blake2b-512(xiaobai88) blake2b-512(xiaobao052) blake2b-512(xiaobaobei) blake2b-512(XIAOBAWANG) blake2b-512(xiaobei945) blake2b-512(xiaobenx) blake2b-512(xiaobian46) blake2b-512(xiaobin) blake2b-512(xiaobing) blake2b-512(xiaobo) blake2b-512(xiaochen) blake2b-512(xiaochopa) blake2b-512(xiaocun8_) blake2b-512(xiaodan1978) blake2b-512(xiaodppp) blake2b-512(xiaoe7) blake2b-512(xiaofen1) blake2b-512(xiaofeng) blake2b-512(xiaogang) blake2b-512(xiaoge8888) blake2b-512(xiaogong) blake2b-512(xiaogongji) blake2b-512(xiaogou) blake2b-512(xiao-gua) blake2b-512(xiaoguaiwu) blake2b-512(xiaohaha) blake2b-512(XiaoHe930217) blake2b-512(xiaohong) blake2b-512(xiaohong96) blake2b-512(xiaohongchen) blake2b-512(xiaohuei) blake2b-512(xiaohundan) blake2b-512(xiaoji) blake2b-512(xiaojie0) blake2b-512(xiaojingshan) blake2b-512(xiaojun9) blake2b-512(xiaolei) blake2b-512(xiaoli) blake2b-512(xiao_lin) blake2b-512(xiaolin) blake2b-512(XiaoLiSuiSou) blake2b-512(xiaolong) blake2b-512(XiaoLong9) blake2b-512(xiaolu666999) blake2b-512(xiaomei1988*) blake2b-512(xiaomeio0o0) blake2b-512(xiaomi2) blake2b-512(xiaomin) blake2b-512(Xiaomin1) blake2b-512(xiaoming) blake2b-512(xiaonezi) blake2b-512(xiaoning) blake2b-512(xiaoning52) blake2b-512(xiaop7228) blake2b-512(xiaopiao) blake2b-512(xiaopin3) blake2b-512(xiaopin8) blake2b-512(xiaoping) blake2b-512(xiaoqian) blake2b-512(xiaoqiao) blake2b-512(xiaorichie) blake2b-512(xiaosaazheng) blake2b-512(xiaosan) blake2b-512(xiaoshen) blake2b-512(xiaosheng) blake2b-512(xiaoshi612) blake2b-512(xiaoshu) blake2b-512(xiaotou44) blake2b-512(xiaotu88) blake2b-512(xiaowei103) blake2b-512(xiaowei52) blake2b-512(xiaowuxuna) blake2b-512(xiaoxi) blake2b-512(xiaoxiao) blake2b-512(XiaoXiao) blake2b-512(XiaoXiao1) blake2b-512(xiaoxiao8023) blake2b-512(xiaoxin19) blake2b-512(xiaoxs) blake2b-512(xiaoyanz) blake2b-512(xiaoyao) blake2b-512(xiaoyaozi) blake2b-512(xiaoying) blake2b-512(xiaoyu) blake2b-512(xiaoyu4l) blake2b-512(xiaoyuA123) blake2b-512(xiaozheng520) blake2b-512(xiaozhi) blake2b-512(XIAOZHOU007) blake2b-512(xiaozhu232) blake2b-512(xiaozhuren) blake2b-512(xiaphuve) blake2b-512(x@iaponxcy) blake2b-512(xiaqggpo) blake2b-512(xiaroc) blake2b-512(xiash) blake2b-512(XiAshG) blake2b-512(xiateewa) blake2b-512(xiau_hung) blake2b-512(xiauq) blake2b-512(xiaushan) blake2b-512(xiavy8) blake2b-512(xiaxia) blake2b-512(Xiayu13631802727) blake2b-512(xiayu445) blake2b-512(xIaz7Pdy) blake2b-512(xiazhifen1) blake2b-512(xiazi180) blake2b-512(xiazothoi) blake2b-512(xib1946) blake2b-512(xib3j5Cx6T) blake2b-512(xibabaed) blake2b-512(XiBakiBU) blake2b-512(xibalb) blake2b-512(xibalba1) blake2b-512(xibalba83) blake2b-512(xibalbaa) blake2b-512(xibata2) blake2b-512(xIBAVAbe) blake2b-512(xibbxau) blake2b-512(xibeca) blake2b-512(XIBEGUGO) blake2b-512(XiBEGuxu) blake2b-512(xibeisu) blake2b-512(xibershe) blake2b-512(xibeta) blake2b-512(xibeta23) blake2b-512(xibewazu) blake2b-512(xibfa) blake2b-512(xibgp) blake2b-512(XIbh3MoD) blake2b-512(XIBHDCST) blake2b-512(xibica) blake2b-512(xibidari27) blake2b-512(xibile) blake2b-512(xibis3) blake2b-512(xibiu) blake2b-512(xibjcj) blake2b-512(XIBLGWLG) blake2b-512(xibm2du) blake2b-512(xiBM7oeQ) blake2b-512(xibmer) 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blake2b-512(xilefuentes) blake2b-512(xilema) blake2b-512(xilhr1) blake2b-512(xiliary) blake2b-512(xiliaxxx) blake2b-512(Xilima) blake2b-512(xilimeandxilime) blake2b-512(xilindrina) blake2b-512(xilinx) blake2b-512(xilinx11) blake2b-512(XIlIpazUd) blake2b-512(xiliquento030997) blake2b-512(xiliz71) blake2b-512(XILKZDCB) blake2b-512(xill6088799) blake2b-512(xilli123) blake2b-512(xillit) blake2b-512(xillxief) blake2b-512(xilmauwb) blake2b-512(xilndrolex) blake2b-512(XilnMfiyKiiQrhDzY) blake2b-512(xiloca) blake2b-512(xilofono) blake2b-512(xilojaee) blake2b-512(XILOMENE) blake2b-512(xilonen) blake2b-512(xilonus22) blake2b-512(xilos0987654321) blake2b-512(Xilosoft7) blake2b-512(xilot7m) blake2b-512(xilouixiloui) blake2b-512(xiloveyuh) blake2b-512(xilq3p) blake2b-512(xilr8ng) blake2b-512(xiltwo5s) blake2b-512(xIlUQ3uj) blake2b-512(xiluqy65) blake2b-512(xilw2e) blake2b-512(xilwc7) blake2b-512(xilWmrCwfa) blake2b-512(xilxiax0) blake2b-512(xily) blake2b-512(XiLYBo6uGWr7) blake2b-512(XilYDyVyzyR) blake2b-512(XILYOHVC) blake2b-512(xilzee) blake2b-512(xim) blake2b-512(xim090) blake2b-512(xim1) blake2b-512(Xim1256) blake2b-512(XIM2M4W) blake2b-512(xim3ra) blake2b-512(xim543543) blake2b-512(xima1995) blake2b-512(xima-21) blake2b-512(ximaar) blake2b-512(XiMadopo54) blake2b-512(XIMAe) blake2b-512(ximakg61) blake2b-512(ximang) blake2b-512(ximash2011) blake2b-512(ximation) blake2b-512(ximbau) blake2b-512(ximcJgP) blake2b-512(XimD) blake2b-512(xIMD82nH) blake2b-512(xime) blake2b-512(xime1) blake2b-512(ximebic) blake2b-512(XImEkiMaw) blake2b-512(ximemar) blake2b-512(ximen) blake2b-512(XIMEN) blake2b-512(ximena) blake2b-512(Ximena) blake2b-512(ximena0) blake2b-512(ximena000) blake2b-512(ximena1) blake2b-512(ximena123) blake2b-512(ximena4) blake2b-512(XIMENA7) blake2b-512(ximenaamo8) blake2b-512(ximenagotic) blake2b-512(ximenalexus) blake2b-512(ximenaolin) blake2b-512(ximenateam) blake2b-512(ximenit) blake2b-512(ximenita) blake2b-512(ximenos) blake2b-512(ximenspogi) blake2b-512(ximepa) blake2b-512(ximera) blake2b-512(ximera16) blake2b-512(ximera1973) blake2b-512(ximera23) blake2b-512(ximera77) blake2b-512(ximeralogopo) blake2b-512(ximeraru) blake2b-512(ximerus54) blake2b-512(ximete) blake2b-512(ximf4c20ry) blake2b-512(ximfolepe) blake2b-512(ximi) blake2b-512(Ximi2013) blake2b-512(XImiCEdiqex934) blake2b-512(ximik) blake2b-512(ximik02021989) blake2b-512(ximik18x) blake2b-512(ximik1990) blake2b-512(ximik3737) blake2b-512(ximik71) blake2b-512(ximik76) blake2b-512(ximikat68) blake2b-512(XIMIK#R) blake2b-512(ximines) blake2b-512(XiMivuFYc) blake2b-512(ximiya4) blake2b-512(ximjjj) blake2b-512(ximkadura) blake2b-512(ximki99) blake2b-512(ximkidvor17) blake2b-512(ximknup1986) blake2b-512(ximko123) blake2b-512(ximlab) blake2b-512(XimnH7Dh) blake2b-512(ximnsexf) blake2b-512(ximo100) blake2b-512(ximom) blake2b-512(ximox196) blake2b-512(ximpx) blake2b-512(xIMPx3) blake2b-512(XImqAVOCqIY..) blake2b-512(ximqmq) blake2b-512(ximrev) blake2b-512(ximUComU) blake2b-512(ximulle) blake2b-512(xiMuoLIw) blake2b-512(ximuqz263) blake2b-512(ximusy79) blake2b-512(ximwoem) blake2b-512(ximxam) blake2b-512(ximzp) blake2b-512(xin0110lord) blake2b-512(xin123) blake2b-512(xin123SNAYP) blake2b-512(xin5125421) blake2b-512(xin6237) blake2b-512(xin78951) blake2b-512(xina2001) blake2b-512(xina3398) blake2b-512(xinachtl) blake2b-512(xinamarc) blake2b-512(xiNaZyJam) blake2b-512(xinbouc8aw)
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- Why does London have so much sexually transmitted disease?
- Brazil's president, lagging in the polls, turns to God and cash
- An advocate of sustainable capitalism explains how it's done
- A new biography explains the genius of John von Neumann
- Volunteer firefighters are getting older. It could be a life-or-death issue
- Jack Dorsey Says Indian Officials Raided Twitter Employees' Homes
- Silvio Berlusconi – a life in pictures
- Zume, SoftBank's $445 Million Robot Pizza Startup, Is Cooked
- Belarus's beleaguered opposition is flirting with violence
- The PGA agrees to team up with its golfing arch-enemy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why have Russia's armed forces been so ineffective in Ukraine?
- Speaker Kevin McCarthy restarted votes on the House floor Tuesday following a week of paralysis, after working to win over dissident Republicans upset about the recent deal on the government's debt ceiling.
- The 'Taxi Prince' Is Taking on Uber---and Winning
- Harrison Ford Says Punch Nazis, Just Like Indy Would
- Best TV for Summer 2023: We Tested Samsung, LG, TCL, Vizio and More - CNET
- Boris Johnson is gone, but his toxic Brexit myths will go on poisoning UK politics | Rafael Behr
- Jiang Zemin oversaw a wave of economic change, but not much political reform
- As Keechant Sewell Prepared to Resign from NYPD, She Kept Her Plans Close
- Covid-19 has pushed governments to find new ways to help the poor
- Photos: Donald Trump's federal indictment
- Apple Expands Its On-Device Nudity Detection to Combat CSAM
- First It Was Quiet Quitting, Now Workers Are Facing Off With Their Bosses
- KAL's cartoon
- The woman at the heart of Europe
- Who will be Taiwan's next president?
- Russia could take Bakhmut within weeks
- Live news: Russia hits Ukraine's port city of Odesa with overnight missile strikes
- Thanks to the Belfast Agreement, Northern Ireland is a better place
- Evidence is growing that playing contact sports can lead to long-term brain injuries
- Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest
- White South African farmers are thriving in Mississippi
- Getting China's old people vaccinated has been slow work
- E Jean Carroll can sue Trump for $10m in new defamation case, judge rules
- Popular subreddits plan to extend API protests indefinitely
- Franz Mohr was the man who made great concerts possible
- A palatial museum of Edvard Munch's art opens in Oslo
- America's closest Indo-Pacific allies are cosying up
- Nidhogg - All-In-One Simple To Use Rootkit For Red Teams
- Qatar's World Cup has seen the biggest upsets in recent history
- Autonomous vehicles are coming, but slowly
- America's banks are missing hundreds of billions of dollars
- Car firms are trying out new ways to sell mobility
- How to Check the Air Quality Near You
- Save Hundreds on Degoo Premium and Get 10TB of Cloud Storage for Life - CNET
- Tesla's Supercharger Strategy Starts a Winning Streak
- Europe makes a show of unity with Ukraine and other neighbours
- Bootlicker - A Generic UEFI Bootkit Used To Achieve Initial Usermode Execution
- After 20 years of trauma, Iraq is struggling to recover
- DeSantis is a truer believer, if a lesser politician, than Trump
- Gabriel Zucman, a controversial John Bates Clark medallist
- Sudan's war is home-grown, but risks drawing in outsiders
- Africa Rising With Afua Hirsch review – 51 more episodes of this fascinating series please!
- The Messy US Influence That's Helping Iranians Stay Online
- Business
- Allies Pressure Biden to Hasten NATO Membership for Ukraine
- Amazon Web Services Meltdown Temporarily Breaks the Internet
- Two of the most enigmatic phenomena in the cosmos may be linked
- Our model suggests that global deaths remain 5% above pre-covid forecasts
- Narendra Modi is rebuilding New Delhi
- Ibrahim Mahama and the art of resurrection
- A trove of photographs casts light on Bangladesh's liberation war
- This week's cover
- Rural Americans are importing tiny Japanese pickup trucks
- Mimi Reinhard typed up Schindler's list
- Wrightbus bets on hydrogen buses
- Who gets to define what Asia means?
- Best Hair Dryers and Diffusers (2023): Blow-Dryers, Brushers, and Diffusers
- Britain's tax take is getting bigger but not better
- Business
- Investors face a stark choice: are they on the side of the US or of China?
- The Mexican Supreme Court does battle with AMLO
- Mom Recounts 'Terrorizing' Deepfake Kidnapping Scam in Gripping Testimony
- Bunge to Buy Viterra in $8.2 Billion Bet on North American Crops
- The growth of Africa's towns and small cities is transforming the continent
- The long shadows of Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon | podcast
- Jsfinder - Fetches JavaScript Files Quickly And Comprehensively
- The Beatles Come Together for 'Last Record' Using AI
- Saudi Aramco makes an eye-popping $160bn in profit
- The Company That Bought a Chunk of Lord of the Rings Is Already Preparing to Gut Itself
- Tell us your favourite film of 2023 so far
- South-East Asia is crying out for regional leadership
- Ukraine needs the West's help. But our polling shows a worrying trend
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How TikTok broke social media
- Many Newly Discovered Species Are Already Gone
- Announcing the Security Stage agenda at TechCrunch Disrupt
- Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Your Meal Kit Subscription - CNET
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Do Britons even like the royal family?
- Why employee loyalty can be overrated
- This week's cover
- The Palestinian Authority is being eclipsed by radical militants
- At Last, Astronomers May Have Seen the Universe's First Stars
- Taiwan desperately needs support from the world
- Jacinda Ardern resigns as New Zealand's prime minister
- Britain's inflation rate is not falling fast enough
- How pop culture went multipolar
- Netflix reportedly plans first live sports event with celebrities playing golf
- Poland's government may seek to bar opponents from politics
- Studying broken chromosomes can illuminate neuroscience
- Mukesh Ambani returns to the spotlight
- The cost of the global arms race
- KAL's cartoon
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- America's Supreme Court weighs religious accommodations in the workplace
- Personal Data Collection: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Can the West win over the rest of the world?
- Iran's proxies in the Middle East remain a powerful force
- Communist Party members must study Xi Jinping's thinking
- Madeleine Albright saw herself as an ambassador for freedom
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- This week's covers
- Britain shoots down Microsoft's $69bn Activision deal
- How should Britain reform rape-trial laws?
- Who will succeed Shia Islam's top man?
- The Threat From Trump's Supporters Has Evolved
- Lego, the world's top toymaker, focuses on China
- Protests have subsided in Iran, but clerics cannot yet proclaim victory
- A murder in Afghanistan highlights the misery of women
- Early battles in Ukraine's offensive are bringing arduous gains for Kyiv's military. They are also highlighting low morale among Moscow's forces, according to several Russian soldiers who have been taken prisoner in recent days.
- Google Pixel Watch Update Brings 3 Big Missing Features - CNET
- Latin America's left-wing experiment is a warning to the world
- Meta gets whacked with a €1.2bn penalty
- Ethnic Hungarians have been having a tricky time in Ukraine
- Cristina Calderón was the only full-blooded member of her people
- A Massive Vaccine Database Leak Exposes IDs of Millions of Indians
- Tessa Sanderson: how the first Black British woman to win an Olympic title fought her way to the top
- Sergio Massa is the only thing standing between Argentina and chaos
- Chinese arms could revive Russia's failing war
- Floating party 'island' in French Riviera cancelled over ecological concerns
- A populist plan to pay off private debts is another sign of Kuwait's ills
- A wave of covid-19 reveals flaws in China's health system
- A new challenge to relations between America and China
- Ukrainians have grown used to living with curfews
- The 'Single Greatest Hindrance' to Learning
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Europe has shaken off Putin's gas embargo
- Covid-19 has imperilled the hammams of north Africa and the Levant
- The business trend that unites Walmart and Tiffany & Co
- Is the global investment boom turning to bust?
- Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat, is winning
- The speech police are coming for social media
- A new English version of "The Arabian Nights" is the first by a woman
- France's Constitutional Council validates Macron's pension reform
- Retirement has become much longer across the rich world
- Is China's recovery about to stall?
- A lot can be done to adapt farming to near-term climate change
- The Van Gogh Museum showcases a rejected early masterpiece
- Russia's missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective
- OpenInfra Foundation opens regional hubs in Europe and Asia
- German bosses are depressed
- Eat, Pray, Pander
- Why vaccine passports are causing chaos
- China is now an unlikely safe haven
- Chinese officials promise foreign investors greater access
- How India is using digital technology to project power
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A big advance in mapping the structure of the brain
- Taiwanese politics faces a crucial election in early 2024
- Everything about carmaking is changing at once
- Abortions have become 6% rarer since the end of Roe v Wade
- Politics
- Burp-Dom-Scanner - Burp Suite's Extension To Scan And Crawl Single Page Applications
- Lester Piggott had only one aim in view
- Why Republicans are giving huge pay rises to teachers
- In America, school test results are still lagging behind pre-covid levels
- Somalia is on the brink of famine
- Japan's prime minister has recovered from a rough patch
- Surging stockmarkets are powered by artificial intelligence
- Poem: 'Lyrebird'
- KAL's cartoon
- Killer Mike's Critique of Wokeness
- Emmanuel Macron's vision of a more muscular Europe is coming true
- How AI could disrupt video-gaming
- A new generation of Argentine musicians is topping the charts
- Forget Teslas, India's EV revolution is happening on two wheels
- After years in decline, is the gender pay gap opening up?
- Geothermal Everywhere: Finding the Energy to Save the World
- Citadel's Griffin optimistic on growth in China
- Shane Warne believed that cricket should always be fun
- Michael Lipton: The big man of land reform
- India's diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history
- Researchers find a way to make VR headsets more realistic
- KAL's cartoon
- McDonald's Serves Up a Brand New Game Boy Color Game in the Year 2023
- China's alleged theft of a pineapple cultivar has Taiwan livid
- Investors go back into battle with rising interest rates
- Comb-Over No More: Why Men's Hair Transplants Are Flourishing
- In-Ear Device Aims to Help People With Long Covid Get Answers About Their Illness
- China wants the world to forget about its crimes in Xinjiang
- Can Jordan fall in love with Saudi Arabia?
- The world's peak population may be smaller than expected
- How to make money on the Super Bowl
- Britain's emergency text alert is a signal of something bigger
- Mexico's president gives power and money to the armed forces
- TechCrunch+ roundup: Paid acquisition basics, most-valued startups, 10 investors open to pitches
- Bankrupt Crypto Companies Are Fighting Over a Dwindling Pot of Money
- To Make a Greener Building, Start With an Old One
- China's state capitalists celebrate their soaring shares
- The 45 Best Movies on Netflix This Week
- Meet Asia's millennial plutocrats
- Sir Keir Starmer on "Starmerism"
- The Beatles will release a final record, using John Lennon's voice via an AI assist
- China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others
- Chun Li Finally Has an Asian American Voice Actor
- The Director of 'Street Fighter 6' Uncovers Its 'Modern' Updates
- 'One Margarita' Is the Song of Summer—and the Moment
- A battle royal is brewing over copyright and AI
- A remote Canadian province luxuriates in the global supply crunch
- Motorcades and MAGA merchandise in Miami: how Trump's second arraignment unfolded
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- F.W. de Klerk had to abandon what his ancestors had believed in
- The global rice crisis
- Tesla Doesn't See Higher-Volume Production of Semi Truck Until Late 2024
- Sean Baker's films bring sex work into the light
- How Ukraine tamed Russian missile barrages and kept the lights on
- This week's covers
- Disputes over pay are hobbling Britain's public sector
- The best MacBooks for 2023: How to pick the best Apple laptop
- A difficult new world
- Bankrupt Crypto Companies Are Fighting Over a Dwindling Pot of Money
- Russia and Iran are upgrading their transport links
- Europe's freakish winter heatwave breaks records
- A posthumous novel from John le Carré
- The CIA Is Begging Congress to Please Keep Spying on U.S. Citizens Legal
- Joan Didion's radical curiosity
- Coinbase and Binance Lawsuits Put Crypto on Ice
- French engineer goes on trial accused of killing three women over job losses
- America's hoped-for Asian semiconductor pact looks tricky
- How grassroots schemes are helping England's non-white cricketers
- The Federal Reserve must choose between inflation and market chaos
- Israel's angsty 75th anniversary
- Bangladesh's economic miracle is in jeopardy
- Inside the armed Burmese resistance
- Starry new productions show "Macbeth" is the tragedy for our times
- China's data-security laws rattle Western business executives
- We're hiring a new Washington correspondent
- How Amos Vogel changed American film culture
- Why chaos looms at the US-Mexico border
- Bernard Haitink believed that genius should speak for itself
- The House voted 422-0 to approve a bipartisan resolution calling on Russia to immediately free jailed Wall Street Journal reporterEvan Gershkovich.
- Britain is still marked by the mistakes of the Beeching Report
- What's Killing Productivity? Some Think It's the Banks
- Which firm will win the new Moon race?
- Several violent episodes in Mexico suggest a worrying trend
- Vasectomies rose by 29% in the three months after the end of Roe
- What causes elephant poaching?
- Latin America's left-wing presidents risk stoking inflation
- Cambodia is about to host arguably the world's biggest sporting event
- School-voucher schemes are spreading across America
- Turkey eyes reconciliation with a Syrian regime it tried to topple
- Our Big Mac index can predict the future (sort of)
- Vera Putina claimed to be Vladimir Putin's real mother
- Nayib Bukele wants to abolish term limits in El Salvador
- China's put-upon maritime neighbours are pushing back
- Inflation usually hits America's poor hardest. Not this time
- From high-speed rail to the Olympics, why do big projects go wrong?
- Why legal writing is so awful
- Smoke blackens the air in America's north-east
- What luxury stocks say about the new cold war
- Max Martin knows how to create a number-one hit
- These countries could lure manufacturing away from China
- Nvidia is not the only firm cashing in on the AI gold rush
- Brazil's new president faces a fiscal crunch and a fickle Congress
- The politics of Xi Jinping's covid retreat
- Google's Pixel Watch now offers overnight blood oxygen tracking
- An anatomy of hard times in the city
- Venezuela's autocrat launches a massive corruption probe
- How to be a superstar on Zoom
- Old tyres can become a climate-friendly fuel
- Safran chief says aircraft makers have 'unprecedented supply crisis'
- Why bicycles are crucial to Congo's cross-border trade
- How the war has split the church in Ukraine
- Chinese singles face the heat over the holiday
- Kaya Founders backs Philippines startups from "Day 0"
- What Is the Internet of Things? A WIRED Guide
- Cormac McCarthy's Best Books: A Guide
- How India's states compete for investment
- The 18 Best Movies on Max (aka HBO Max) Right Now
- Are Brazil's pollsters right about the presidential election?
- Vladimir Putin is dragging the world back to a bloodier time
- Why Donald Trump's defeat in court matters
- Light up! The best of Photo Basel 2023 – in pictures
- Azure-AccessPermissions - Easy to use PowerShell script to enumerate access permissions in an Azure Active Directory environment
- What does the perfect carbon price look like?
- Fears about the reactors at Zaporizhia continue to mount
- Pace of US inflation eases to slowest in over two years
- America's chance to become a clean-energy superpower
- Labour's green industrial policy will not cure Britain's economic ills
- Government action to hold down energy bills will save lives in Europe
- Sudan's spiralling war, in maps
- In the West, assisted dying is rapidly becoming legal and accepted
- Martin Amis was the lurid chronicler of a whole generation
- Artists hope to turn selfies into comets
- The Qatar World Cup shows how football is changing
- Argentina's slum policy is a rare bright spot in the country
- OpenAI intros new generative text features while reducing pricing
- Nigerian Wedding Boat Ride Ends in Tragedy, With at Least 103 Dead
- Calls for Russia to free Evan Gershkovich fall on deaf ears
- Will we ever know how many people died of covid-19 in China?
- Jay Pasachoff travelled the world to catch the Moon eclipsing the Sun
- UFO Whistleblower, Meet a Conspiracy-Loving Congress
- G.O.P. Rebels Are Breaking the Rule on Rules, Upending How the House Works
- Europe's next inflation victim? Sugary treats
- AI Is Helping Paul McCartney Create the Final Beatles Song - CNET
- Fifteen notable lives lost in 2022
- America's jobs report is not as strong as it seems
- Do tips make for better service?
- America needs a jab in its corporate backside
- Romania's hot economy is attracting foreign workers
- Ideas for finding ET are getting more inventive
- Bola Tinubu, Nigeria's political kingmaker, wins a flawed election
- China simulates precision strikes on Taiwan
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- SEC's 'Scathing' Charges Against Binance Deal a Big Blow to US Crypto
- This week's cover
- Narendra Modi's party takes a beating in Karnataka
- The Summer of Smoke Is Just Getting Started
- Cannabis: The Complete WIRED Guide
- GodPotato - Local Privilege Escalation Tool From A Windows Service Accounts To NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
- Politics
- Business
- America's culture wars threaten its single market
- OPEC Production Slumps as Voluntary Cuts Bite
- Amritpal Singh, self-declared leader of Sikh separatism, is arrested in India
- Bob Dole believed in hard work, not words
- The world's most, and least, democratic countries in 2022
- Taiwan's dominance of the chip industry makes it more important
- The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp it?
- Can a political underdog save Nigeria?
- Strange New Worlds' Melissa Navia Talks About Star Trek Fan Reactions | io9 Interview
- Switzerland's new megabank is bad news for Swiss bankers
- Italy's new government needs to make deep economic reforms
- rebindMultiA - Tool To Perform a Multiple A Record Rebind Attack
- The effects on Turkey of Syria's civil war
- Rescued children pay tribute to sniffer dog still missing in Colombian jungle
- Donald Trump has become more dangerous
- Forget Boxes, Ikea's Experimental Designers Created a Couch That Fits in an Envelope
- Brazil's governors have been emboldened under Jair Bolsonaro
- The world's oil-price benchmark is being radically reformed
- Best 3D Printer Filament Deals: PLA, ABS, PETG and more - CNET
- Dervla Murphy let nothing stand in the way of adventure
- The chancellor hopes more child care will get more parents working
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan beats his challenger as Turkey votes
- Britain takes a more sensible approach to post-Brexit regulation
- Is China better at monetary policy than America?
- The biggest obstacle to saving rainforests is lawlessness
- Russia-Ukraine war live: three dead in Odesa missile strike; UN nuclear chief to visit Zaporizhzhia plant
- After decades of stagnation, wages in Japan are finally rising
- What Is Genetic Testing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Deepmind's AI Is Learning About the Art of Coding
- An election that could make the global internet safer for autocrats
- Obituary: Mikis Theodorakis wrote the theme tune of "Zorba the Greek"
- The Gaming Shelf Travels With The Last Caravan
- Global shipping costs are returning to pre-pandemic levels
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- SEC's 'Scathing' Charges Against Binance Deal a Big Blow to US Crypto
- "Making Nice" is a gratifying satire of the internet age
- Your job is (probably) safe from artificial intelligence
- A step towards a contraceptive pill for men?
- America is unusually bad at clearing up homicides
- Deadly riots in Senegal after conviction of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko – video report
- Huge explosions breach the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine
- The death of Silvio Berlusconi creates uncertainty for his party
- Emerging-market central-bank experiments risk reigniting inflation
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- As A's Fans Protest, Nevada Closes In on Stadium Bill
- Far-right ideas are gaining a renewed respectability in France
- These are the most expensive cities in North America
- OpenAI CEO Calls for Collaboration With China to Counter AI Risks
- Are video games really addictive?
- A Tiny Blog Took on Big Surveillance in China—and Won
- Crocodile's 'Virgin Birth' Is a First for Science's History Books
- A prisoner swap is a symbolic step towards ending the Saudi-led war in Yemen
- How life has changed along China's border with South-East Asia
- KAL's cartoon
- Go First's insolvency tests India's bankruptcy regime
- How to Check the Air Quality Near You
- Trump pleaded not guilty to charges that he illegally retained and shared classified national-security documents after leaving the White House, launching the next phase of the unprecedented federal criminal case against a former president.
- How popular is Joe Biden?
- Spring break is an economic nightmare for the hottest host cities
- This New Kitchen Tool Keeps Your Stove Top Clean While You Cook - CNET
- What Is Eclampsia? What to Know About the Rare Pregnancy Complication
- Horse-racing in America needs to improve its odds
- Better camouflage is needed to hide from new electronic sensors
- America avoids financial Armageddon but stays in fiscal hell
- Battles over streaming break out for video games
- Why South Korea is talking about getting its own nukes
- The age of the grandparent has arrived
- Why Xi Jinping is not another Chairman Mao
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- I can only climax in one position. Why do my lovers try to talk me out of it?
- The ticking bomb under Canada's constitution
- How segregated is London?
- "Honest" Boris Johnson looks done for
- Politics
- Brazil's presidential election will go to a run-off
- This week's cover
- Western firms are becoming interested in a Soviet medicine
- Big Google Pixel Update Brings Safety Features, New Customization - CNET
- As Lula takes over, Brazil's economic prospects are looking up
- A climber's story evokes classic mountaineering literature
- Mexico's government has attacked the country's electoral watchdog
- ByteDance, TikTok's Chinese parent, reports a record profit
- The real next big thing in business automation
- In 2021 our writers considered technology, meritocracy and the trans debate
- Large, creative AI models will transform lives and labour markets
- Oregon's drug decriminalisation has had a troubled start
- Russia's friends are a motley—and shrinking—crew
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Instagram Links Pedophile Network
- Japan military shooting: two soldiers killed after fellow recruit opens fire
- Nvidia Rides AI Boom to Become Latest U.S. $1 Trillion Company
- Jean-Jacques Sempé was an unparalleled observer of the human condition
- Wildfire Smoke Reacts with City Pollution, Creating New Toxic Air Hazard
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Businesses are in for a mighty debt hangover
- The Economist's glass-ceiling index
- Commercial-property losses will add to banks' woes
- Britain's semiconductor strategy shows the bind the country is in
- KAL's cartoon
- Is There a Potential Crossover for Transformers? | io9 Interview
- Nasdaq to Buy Financial-Software Firm Adenza
- Japanese youngsters want to look like Chinese starlets
- Colm Toibin's new novel brings Thomas Mann to life
- Latin American cities are becoming far nicer for poorer inhabitants
- Fear of China is pushing India and Japan into each other's arms
- A UN biodiversity meeting is slugging it out in Montreal
- All the Ways ChatGPT Can Help You Land a Job
- A renewed push on Bakhmut fuels rumours of a Ukrainian counter-offensive
- Harsh lockdowns have united the Chinese
- Indian firms are flocking to the United Arab Emirates
- The Reddit App War Is Getting Messy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The world's population has reached 8bn. Don't panic
- A deepening crisis in Scotland's ruling party
- Policymakers face two nightmares: stubborn inflation and market chaos
- After decades of empty talk, reforms in Gulf states are real—but risky
- Ethnic terminology bedevils Taiwan-China relations
- NYC Delays Strict Short-Term Registration Deadline for AirBnbs
- Wines That Entertain as Well as Impress
- Big tech and the pursuit of AI dominance
- Why commodity-trading scandals are multiplying
- DCVC2 - A Golang Discord C2 Unlike Any Other
- South Korea has America in its face and China breathing down its neck
- Russia's brutal mercenaries probably won't matter much in Ukraine
- A museum in Rotterdam opens up its collection
- Hilary Mantel saw things that others couldn't
- Cristina Fernández, Argentina's vice-president, is attacked
- Interpreting China's unambitious growth target
- They Cloned Tyrone's New Trailer Puts a Satirical Sci-Fi Spin on Blaxploitation
- The world's most, and least, affordable cities are in Asia
- Gustavo Petro, Colombia's president, wants to smother the gig economy
- The Daniel Perry case shows the contradictions of gun enthusiasts in Texas
- It is getting easier for new entrants to make cars
- Just how good can China get at generative AI?
- BookTok has passion—and enormous marketing power
- Donald Trump is in his most serious legal trouble yet
- Robert Lucas was a giant of macroeconomics
- South Korea has a plan to end its forced-labour feud with Japan
- Brazil's next president will face a big, tricky in-tray
- Ezra Miller makes first public appearance to promote The Flash at the film's premiere
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why Chairman Mao's victims are denied justice
- Daniel Brush's drive to understand beauty led him to the life of a hermit
- Cheaper eggs and gas lead inflation lower in May, but higher prices pop up elsewhere
- Latin America is under authoritarian threat
- How to prevent sycophancy in China's civil service
- The real questions raised by Clarence Thomas's latest scandal
- A New York jury will be asked if Donald Trump is a rapist
- First U.S. Climate Trial Begins and Is Led by Kids
- Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?
- The search for Silicon Valley Bank-style portfolios
- Why you have an accent in a foreign language
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Proving a photo is fake is one thing. Proving it isn't is another
- The travails and bold aims of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
- Marc Andreessen Is (Mostly) Wrong This Time
- Cormac McCarthy, American novelist of the stark and dark, dies at 89
- Obituary: A.Q. Khan was the world's biggest nuclear proliferator
- Argentina clinch the World Cup after beating France on penalties
- Are Western companies becoming less global?
- Russia is persecuting dissenters by taking away their children
- Squadron Leader Johnny Johnson longed to give Hitler a bloody nose
- Joe Biden attempts to defang the Chinese tiger
- The death of Pope Benedict removes a problem for liberal Catholics
- McCarthy Restarts House Votes as Dissidents Press for Spending Cuts
- Despite a crash, Indian railways have an impressive safety record
- A geopolitical setback for China in the Pacific
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Humans shed genetic information everywhere they go
- Business
- Chief executives cannot shut up about AI
- Can the debt-ceiling deal hold?
- Four-week-old AI start-up raises record €105mn in European push
- The alarming comeback of Austria's far-right Freedom Party
- Samsung should be wary of Intel-like complacency
- The machine that runs Britain's state needs an overhaul
- Britain is liberalising its stockmarket-listing rules, again
- Sources and acknowledgments
- 19 Great Gifts for $50 or Less - CNET
- Foundation's Full Season 2 Trailer Promises Space Battles and Sci-Fi Smolder
- Southern Baptists Move to Purge Churches With Female Pastors
- The WIRED Guide to Digital Security
- South Korea's suicide rate fell for years. Women are driving it up again
- All the Ways ChatGPT Can Help You Land a Job
- Atheism is still a taboo for American politicians
- Donald Trump's Quest to Break America's Democracy
- The view from the front line between Taiwan and China
- Britain needs to embrace road pricing
- American exceptionalism exists, but other countries also have problems
- The first big test of Britain's voter-ID requirements is imminent
- '33 Immortals' first look: Defying a god is more fun with friends
- Recovery from Turkey's earthquake will take years
- Hungary is becoming more important to China
- Our model shows that China's covid death toll could be massive
- The touchy-feely world of the metaverse and future gadgets
- Mary Quant launched the clothes that made the Sixties swing
- Ian Hamilton masterminded one of the most daring heists of the last century
- Gene-editing has created a generation of musical crops
- Scrap this unjust verdict, scrap this law: no woman should go to prison for having an abortion | Stella Creasy
- A new wave of mass migration has begun
- Politics
- Business
- Malaysia to ask Interpol for help to track down comedian over MH370 joke
- Why do American presidents play up their Irishness?
- Fusion power is coming back into fashion
- The message from the striking elections in Chicago and Wisconsin
- How bad are the current market jitters?
- The success of "Succession" proves the virtue of hateful characters
- Proposed legal reforms could be dire for Israel
- Sacking Tucker Carlson has put a dent in Fox News's ratings
- John Romita Sr., An Icon of Superhero Comics, Has Died
- A copycat insurrection in Brazil, and its troubling aftermath
- The world's deadliest war last year wasn't in Ukraine
- The Trillion-Dollar Auction to Save the World
- Xiongan is Xi Jinping's pet project
- Rishi Sunak, a very Tory kind of technocrat
- Mint Mobile's Latest New User Deal Offers Unlimited $15 Per Month Plan for 3 Months - CNET
- How Japanese policymakers ended up in a very deep hole
- Community Violence Outreach Workers Are More Likely to Experience Gun Violence Than Police Are
- Trump Misses the Point
- The Philippines' new president rewires the war on drugs
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- America faces a debt nightmare
- Trump pleads not guilty to all 37 charges in classified documents case
- Co-ordinated rocket salvoes suggest Israel's old enemies are reuniting
- Miriam Margolyes: 'I never had any shame about being gay'
- Maya Widmaier-Picasso helped to revive her father's creativity
- Large language models' ability to generate text also lets them plan and reason
- No-deal Brexit planning 'crowded out' efforts to prepare for pandemic
- Vladimir Putin wants to militarise Russian schools
- Bypass-Sandbox-Evasion - Bypass Malware Sandbox Evasion Ram Check
- Could the 14th Amendment fix America's debt-ceiling debacle?
- South Korea still refuses to send arms to Ukraine
- Nobel laureate Maria Ressa says research by Oxford institute can be used against reporters
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Democracy is reviving in Asia
- The Pregnancy Risk That Doctors Won't Mention
- America's other great migration
- How Zionism has evolved from a project to an ideology
- The best smart plugs in 2023
- This week's cover
- Detroit is working again
- Despite an explosion, Elon Musk is closer to his new space age
- Which will grow faster: India or Indonesia?
- Argentina could help the world by becoming a big lithium exporter
- A new explanation for ankylosaurs' clubbed tails
- Rahm admits players feel sense of betrayal over deal with Saudi Arabia
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Around the world, bans do not make abortion much rarer
- Bypass-403 - A Simple Script Just Made For Self Use For Bypassing 403
- A flawed argument for central-bank digital currencies
- Pasha Lee went from Ukrainian screen idol to volunteer
- Bees Get All the Love. Won't Someone Think of the Moths?
- Artificial brains are helping scientists study the real thing
- The state of democracy in Africa and the Middle East
- SolarWinds: The Untold Story of the Boldest Supply-Chain Hack
- Britain announces another crackdown on anti-social behaviour
- Africa faces a mounting debt crisis
- James Lovelock changed the way human beings look at the Earth
- Should every schoolchild eat free?
- India loosens restrictions on foreign lawyers
- Booming cocaine production suggests the war on drugs has failed
- The South is fast becoming America's industrial heartland
- GM and Samsung SDI are building a $3 billion EV battery cell plant in Indiana
- The world divided
- Brother Andrew secretly carried Bibles behind the Iron Curtain
- Brazil's new president wants to reduce the number of hungry people
- Does the tank have a future?
- Netflix's Password-Sharing Crackdown Has Hit the US
- How much is Russia spending on its invasion of Ukraine?
- A better way of keeping mosquitoes at bay is under development
- Geert Mak takes stock of the past 20 years of European history
- Evangelicals may soon rival Catholics in Latin America
- India's deadly heatwaves are getting even hotter
- Russian hackers are preparing for a new campaign in Ukraine
- Ready, player four billion: the rise of video games
- The Taliban go big on animal welfare
- KAL's cartoon
- The world has to adapt to the climate change it will not avoid
- A cautionary tale from the streets of San Francisco
- Latin America is in a mess. But it still has strengths
- Writers on strike beware: Hollywood has changed for ever
- A new study of studies reignites controversy over mask mandates
- Myanmar's civil war has moved to its heartlands
- Will Trump Get a Speedy Trial?
- Reproduction without sex is more common than scientists thought
- Weak commitments from the G20 cast a shadow over COP26's opening
- Erotic statues in Peru are challenging taboos
- Pervez Musharraf was one of Pakistan's better dictators
- Where have all the laid-off tech workers gone?
- How Chinese netizens breached the great firewall
- African voters increasingly want change
- Does China's softer tone extend to Taiwan?
- Thailand's pro-democracy parties trounce the military establishment
- Pervez Musharraf was one of Pakistan's better dictators
- Bluesky's Custom Algorithms Could Be the Future of Social Media
- 10 Best Grills (2023): Charcoal, Gas, Pellet, Hybrid, and Grilling Accessories
- How Campbeltown has responded to the boom in Scottish whisky
- Pinball is booming in America, thanks to nostalgia and canny marketing
- Was your degree really worth it?
- Can carbon removal become a trillion-dollar business?
- The Palestinians need new leaders
- Australia has faced down China's trade bans and emerged stronger
- Bakhmut and the spirit of Verdun
- Why did teenage suicides decline during America's first covid-19 lockdowns?
- Kremlin unveils windfall tax to raise Rbs300bn from oligarchs
- Revenge of the killer whales? Recent boat attacks might be driven by trauma
- India's G20 presidency will be a win for Narendra Modi
- The Rohingyas long for their homes in Myanmar, but cannot go back
- Meta's Horizon Worlds is getting a text-based 'world chat' feature
- Pandemic-era hit 'Phasmophobia' is coming to consoles this August
- AI Is Being Used to 'Turbocharge' Scams
- European cannabis legalisation moves into the slow-dopey lane
- Why winning a Wisconsin Supreme Court race matters so much
- Lessons from finance's experience with artificial intelligence
- Britain's NHS has never seen industrial action on this scale
- As the ice melts, a perilous Russian threat is emerging in the Arctic | Barry Gardiner
- The battle with China is psychological as much as physical
- Google delays EU launch of its AI chatbot after privacy regulator raises concerns
- The best films of 2021
- How deep is the rot in America's banking industry?
- The Best Sun-Protection Clothes for Everyday Wear (2023)
- George Orwell's horticultural sensibilities
- Dealmaking has slowed—except among dealmakers
- Theft from America's anti-poverty programmes seems troublingly easy
- India will soon overtake China as the world's most populous country
- Foreign investors are being snagged by India's tax net
- China's Central Bank Moves to Shore Up Recovery
- Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is found guilty of corruption
- A broken system needs urgent repairs
- Republicans Have Made Their Choice
- Jessamine Chan's gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting
- How generative models could go wrong
- Jenny Odell Can Stretch Time and So Can You
- Feeling More Turbulence During Your Flights? Blame Climate Change.
- A Russian editor says he won the Nobel because his slain colleagues could not
- Staff at UK High Commission in Sierra Leone suspended over lost £2mn
- The rift in Singapore's first family turns even nastier
- Rail route of the month: the Mont-Blanc Express from Switzerland to France
- China tries to shut down Australian artist's show promoted by image of cannibalistic Xi
- Bashar al-Assad does not want to let a calamity go to waste
- Millions Across the U.S. Are About to Be Slammed by Severe Storms
- Spoutible's Low-Budget, Audacious Quest to Be the Next Twitter
- Vaccines based on mRNA need to get out of the freezer
- Politics
- Trump Arraignment: Scenes From Inside the Miami Courtroom
- India's once-troubled banks are generating huge profits
- Bad Data, Not Aliens, May Be behind UFO Surge, NASA Team Says
- Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be Brazil's next president
- Sakamoto Ryuichi heard how the world sounds—and changed it
- Private therapy in Britain is booming and largely unregulated
- Māori ancestral remains and mummified heads returned to New Zealand from Germany
- Venezuela's dictator is less isolated than he once was
- Open-source intelligence is piercing the fog of war in Ukraine
- KAL's cartoon
- A post-Erdogan Turkey would only partly change its foreign policy
- Stephen Sondheim wanted to explore a new world every time
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why activist investors are going to have a busy year
- Divorce in the rich world is getting less nasty
- Moviemaking and gamemaking are converging
- From Mine to Battery: Indonesian Nickel Drives the World's EV Market
- Greece is a European success story
- PwC has disgraced itself down under
- On China, Japan's PM wants diplomacy, not war
- 'I trusted him': human trafficking surges in cyclone-hit east India
- Sales of romance novels are rising in Britain
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Chinese bubble tea chains go viral in South-East Asia
- Man of Steel Showed Superman's (and DC's) Fragility for All to See
- Shah Rukh Khan faces down India's Hindu right
- 'Solidarity and unity' on show at Fiji fashion week 2023 – in pictures
- Argentina is wasting the vast opportunities China offers it
- Pressurised natural caves could offer a home from home on the Moon
- Frontline Formosa
- How the war split the mafia
- A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third
- Tree-felling is at the centre of disputes across Britain
- The public wants to refund, not defund, the police
- Why the Story of an AI Drone Trying to Kill Its Operator Seems So True
- An algorithm can diagnose a cold from changes in someone's voice
- Can tech tackle the global crisis of depression and anxiety?
- MAAD-AF - MAAD Attack Framework - An Attack Tool For Simple, Fast And Effective Security Testing Of M365 And Azure AD
- Politics
- What the Scientists Who Pioneered Weight-Loss Drugs Want You to Know
- Nigel Slater's recipe for strawberries with passion fruit
- The pandemic has accelerated a global decline in the rule of law
- "Trading Places" and the challenge of troubling art of the past
- Africa exerting 'pressure' on Putin over Ukraine, says Sierra Leone president
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sources and acknowledgments
- India's Tech Obsession May Leave Millions of Workers Without Pay
- Retail investors are losing billions buying stock options
- As payments systems go digital, they are changing global finance
- Capcom's 40th Anniversary Website Lets You Play Street Fighter II in Your Browser
- KAL's cartoon
- As China fixes its property mess, can foreign capitalists benefit?
- Politics
- Can London stop deaths and serious accidents on its roads?
- Sudan is sliding towards civil war
- Europe has led the global charge against big tech. But does it need a new approach?
- 'We weren't given this, we fought for it': bereaved gather as Covid inquiry starts
- The Dominion lawsuit showed the limits of Fox's influence over its audience
- The cases against Donald Trump are piling up
- KAL's cartoon
- Ukraine's counter-offensive is drawing near
- 25 Last-Minute Deals on Father's Day Gifts (2023)
- EntropyReducer - Reduce Entropy And Obfuscate Youre Payload With Serialized Linked Lists
- Israel's government is facing anger from new and unexpected quarters
- Did social media cause the banking panic?
- Binance Emergency Fund Dwindles as SEC Takes Aim at the Crypto Exchange
- Bad Bunny, a superstar rapper, is good business
- After the dam collapse, Russian-controlled areas have been abandoned
- The Complete History And Future of Robots
- Asian equities follow Wall Street higher on hopes of Fed rate pause
- How a tide of tech money is transforming charity
- Botswana, an African success story, looks ever less exceptional
- Video games, power and diplomacy
- Inside the shared studio of Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood
- Donald Trump is losing ground to Ron DeSantis ahead of 2024
- Paula Rego was a painter of rage, longing and loneliness
- Aliens Watch Humans for Fun in the First Trailer For This Unpredictable Sundance Drama
- Alabama Congressman Wants to Restrict Air Force Travel Funds as Battle Over Space Command HQ Heats Up
- Putin sides with Russia's military in clash with Wagner
- Joe Biden needs Mexico's co-operation on migration
- Life in Kherson after the Kakhovka dam's collapse
- Xiaomi 13 Ultra Review: Phenomenal Photography
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan is favoured to win Turkey's presidential election
- For Corporate Spending, Something's Gotta Give
- See How the Wildfire Smoke Spread Across the U.S.
- Generative AI could radically alter the practice of law
- Lebanon's government is squeezing out Syrian refugees
- 'Diablo IV' Is a Mind-Melting Bloodbath
- Thailand was EIU's most improved democracy of 2022
- China's young want to work. For the government
- How a Chatbot Went Rogue
- Japan's hot-spring resorts are blocking geothermal energy plants
- Rossana Banti fought to free Italy with laughter as well as weapons
- What Is Quantum Computing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Central-bank digital currencies are talked about more than coming to fruition
- Chegg Embraced AI. ChatGPT Ate Its Lunch Anyway
- A hit film recalling an ancient poem fuels Chinese nationalist fervour
- Desmond Tutu believed that truth was the best weapon
- More and more Americans are gaming the deposit-insurance system
- What the loss of Silicon Valley Bank means for Silicon Valley
- Turo's Q1 2023 results indicate it may be a while until we see its IPO
- A film about Argentina's history sheds light on its politics today
- Bazball unpacked: how England have turned up the dial in Test cricket
- Investors brace for fallout from Silicon Valley Bank
- Inside 4chan's Top-Secret Moderation Machine
- Which flying taxi will take off first?
- Investors have reason to fear a strong economy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Taiwan needs a new defence strategy to deal with China
- Newfangled coins and mercenaries may have brought about democracy
- Development finance needs to be bolder
- At The U.S. Open, Golfers Are Focused On LIV's Merger With PGA Tour
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Can British seaweed farms bloom?
- Sources and acknowledgments
- How the seven-day week came to rule the world
- Ukraine is betting on drones to strike deep into Russia
- Jackpot! Vegas Golden Knights trounce Panthers in Game 5 to claim Stanley Cup
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A new study asks whether racehorses have hit their genetic peak
- Sad little boys: the backlash against Britain's boarding schools
- A find by a student in Ireland plugs a gap in the history of lager
- CPI Report Shows Inflation Has Been Cut in Half
- Stock Market to Fed: You Haven't Done Enough
- Why markets can never be made truly safe
- The future of fish farming is on land
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Some of the new king's realms may become republics
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What does Xi Jinping want from Vladimir Putin?
- How left-wing on economics is Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva?
- Brazil's monarchy is gone but not forgotten
- The scandal at the Confederation of British Industry may be terminal
- The 10 Best Games on Xbox Game Pass (June 2023)
- Pedro Pascal and Steven Yeun Bond Over Zombie Show Brotherhood
- ABBA return—and pretend no time has passed—with "Voyage"
- Parenting can be bad for the kids
- The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens
- The 15 Best Games on PlayStation Plus
- How Russia is trying to win over the global south
- What America does after a debt-ceiling disaster
- An expert on civil war issues a warning about America
- How to recruit with softer skills in mind
- The son of Iran's last shah bids to regain the throne
- Europe is struggling to rebuild its military clout
- France moved quickly to evacuate civilians from Sudan
- Welcome to White Castle. Would You Like Human Interaction With That?
- The West struggles to respond forcefully to Russia's war in Ukraine
- Photos: Flood Damage After the Destruction of Ukraine's Kakhovka Dam
- Much of the Earth remains unexplored
- A new book explores the symbiosis of espionage and entertainment
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sung Tieu unpacks "Havana syndrome" in her latest work
- Can Xi Jinping control AI without crushing it?
- To show that it can follow global rules, China built its own multilateral institution
- Wasp larvae that eat aphids alive may save apple crops
- A historian brings to life a 17th-century witchcraft panic
- Platbox - UEFI And SMM Assessment Tool
- The old bank/card model is still entrenched in the rich world
- A new psychological history of the cold war
- Pixel phones receive a slew of new features like improved car crash detection
- How to predict record-shattering weather events
- Under Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua has become a one-party state
- Relaunching Rahul Gandhi, again
- French bulldogs are taking over America
- What properties would Sam Zell invest in next?
- On Trump: Lock Him Up
- Ecuador's president dissolves Congress to avoid impeachment
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- FTC Seeks Injunction to Stop Microsoft From Closing Activision Deal
- Green-lit or greenlighted? Gaslighted or gaslit?
- New research helps explain why China's low birth rates are stuck
- Microsoft's Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI
- China goes from zero-covid to zero restrictions
- Southern Italy needs private enterprise and infrastructure
- On the 50th anniversary of "Ways of Seeing" and "G."
- Turkey's Kurds are joining the coalition to oust Erdogan
- Kenya's population growth is slowing in cities and towns
- Pablo Milanés, a great musician and a critic of Cuba's regime, has died
- After banning cinema for decades, Saudi Arabia is making movies
- Antidepressants are over-prescribed, but genuinely help some patients
- English schoolchildren are still missing months of classes
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- African governments say credit-rating agencies are biased against them
- "Aftermath" is a piercing study of Germany after 1945
- There are risks but also big potential benefits from digital payments
- Italy needs to spend more, faster
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Europe can't decide how to unplug from China
- The Case for an Inflation Cool-Down
- Gordon Moore's law was the spur that drove the digital revolution
- Uzbekistan's president clings to power while passing liberal reforms
- Politics
- Patriotic Ukrainians are rushing to pay their taxes
- Thich Nhat Hanh believed that Buddhism should be a force for change
- America is lavishing attention on Pacific island states
- Sam Bankman-Fried Takes Fight Over Federal Fraud Case to Bahamas
- The IRS began blocking an increasingly popular method for funneling wealthy boosters' money to college athletes, declaring that so-called "name, image and likeness" collectives generally can't be structured as charities.
- Toyota gets a new hand at the wheel
- Missing Australian found dead in Canadian wilderness after 'unfortunate hiking accident'
- The Economist's science and technology internship
- Sex trafficking: the fight to recover India's stolen children
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier
- Indonesia's nickel boom tests Western green sensibilities
- Dictators and utopians are fond of fiddling with constitutions
- Jacqueline Gold freed women to shamelessly enjoy themselves
- Coinbase and Binance Lawsuits Put Crypto on Ice
- 9 Years After the Mt. Gox Hack, Feds Indict Alleged Culprits
- American Tech Giants Are Slowly Cutting Off Hong Kong Internet Users
- America returns to containment to deal with Russia and China
- Here's How Hackers Steal Your Password and How You Can Create a Safer One
- After a dreadful year for tech firms, who will thrive in 2023?
- Nvidia Rides AI Boom to Become Latest U.S. $1 Trillion Company
- Peru has an incompetent president and a discredited Congress
- Ukrainian advances on Donetsk and Zaporizhia can be seen from space
- Foreign airlines in Nigeria are frustrated by the blocking of their funds
- Britain plays catch-up in a global scramble for critical minerals
- How a balloon burst Sino-American talks
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The tug-of-war between Glencore and Teck
- The Bold Plan to Create Cyber 311 Hotlines
- ChatGPT could replace telemarketers, teachers and traders
- Why Chinese carmakers are eyeing Thailand
- Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro mount an insurrection in Brazil
- The meaty mystery at the heart of China's economic growth
- KAL's cartoon
- How to beat desk rage
- A short history of Hollywood's poison-pen letters to itself
- Carl Bernstein's memoir traces his path to Watergate
- Obituary: Jane Withers was the antidote to cuteness
- What's Killing Productivity? Some Think It's the Banks
- What's News: World-Wide
- The best podcasts of 2021
- Itoka wants to license AI-generated music via the blockchain
- One Canadian province has decriminalised drugs
- Neurons are not the only brain cells that think
- Ukrainian refugees remain in limbo
- Elon Musk's Twitter vs. Bad Bots: The Battle Goes On
- An inspiring, if frustrating, portrayal of the Williams sisters' coach and dad
- Tough language from Xi Jinping belies his anxiety
- In 'Tears of the Kingdom,' the Depths Are Where the Action Is
- KAL's cartoon
- Vivienne Westwood sowed never-ending revolution all through the fashion world
- Russian missile attack on Ukrainian president's hometown kills at least 6
- Legal action may change transgender care in America
- The battle to control Mexican telecoms
- What a new drama series reveals about China
- Space Farmers of the Future May Grow Fungi, Flies and Microgreens
- China's deep-water fishing fleet is the world's most rapacious
- A federal judge in Texas rules against a popular abortion medication
- Will Xi Jinping outsmart Emmanuel Macron?
- This week's cover
- Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will oversee a more divided Brazil
- Peru's political chaos looks likely to persist
- KAL's cartoon
- Tesla's Supercharger Strategy Starts a Winning Streak
- Protest movements as deadly as Iran's often end in revolution or civil war
- Not enough is known about the science of pads and tampons
- New In-Ear Wearable Could Help People Who Always Feel Faint, Light-Headed - CNET
- Politics
- Two new books assess the geopolitical lessons of covid-19
- Colombia's new president cosies up to Venezuela's despot
- What party control means in China
- OpenAI reportedly warned Microsoft about rushing GPT-4 integration into Bing
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Welcome to a new, humbler private-equity industry
- If the world loves forests, it should put a price on their carbon
- February's earthquakes have damaged the Middle East's dams
- A short guide to corporate rituals
- Why do Democrats keep helping Trump?
- A fight in Arizona over sacred land and a mine raises big issues
- Hudson Valley Weekend Trips: Where to Find the Region's Best New Restaurants, Hotels and Kombucha Sorbet
- This week's covers
- KAL's cartoon
- Pat Sajak Was the Center of the Wheel
- The CIA Warned Ukraine Not to Blow Up the Nord Stream Pipeline: Report
- Anti-Semitism in America is becoming flashier and louder
- BioNTech's boss, Ugur Sahin, remains sanguine about Omicron
- The promise of crypto has not lived up to its initial excitement
- Riding the slow train in China
- America arrests the suspect behind mass intelligence leaks
- Paul McCartney used AI to make a new Beatles song
- Can Inflatable Outdoor Furniture Ever Be Chic?
- Microsoft's Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI
- Weather tracker: India and Pakistan keep close eye on tropical cyclone
- Justin Schmidt made a lifetime study of insects that attack us
- How cybercriminals have been affected by the war in Ukraine
- Santiago Peña, a former economist, is Paraguay's next president
- China may face more embarrassment over its human-rights record
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What 1989 can teach us about the recent protests in China
- Covid learning loss has been a global disaster
- It is far too easy to run lawbreaking businesses in Britain
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Best Adjustable Mattress for 2023 - CNET
- How one of Britain's oldest youth clubs is trying to stay relevant
- Hacks Against Ukraine's Emergency Response Services Rise During Bombings
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- America's new embassy in Beirut is vast
- Ukraine's assault in Zaporizhia may be the focus of its offensive
- China's public is fed up, but not on the brink of revolt
- This week's covers
- Tensions will linger over a Chinese balloon downed by America
- Kaspersky Says New Zero-Day Malware Hit iPhones—Including Its Own
- Autherine Lucy was an unlikely pioneer
- Why Dying People Often Experience a Burst of Lucidity
- The rich world is wrong to think that climate impacts in poor countries don't matter
- How well does your country provide for its citizens?
- Politicians are sending mixed signals about private car ownership
- Both America's political camps agree that TikTok is troubling
- Looking for the African middle class? Head to the bus park
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The future lies with electric vehicles
- Pema Tseden was the founder and builder of Tibetan cinema
- How an east African country became an odd sort of global powerhouse
- "The Harder They Fall" offers a new take on the Old West
- Britons still do like to be beside the seaside
- AI Could Usher in a New Era of Music. Will It Suck?
- How an English miner's daughter rose to work in the White House
- The fault lines in America's China policy
- This week's covers
- After 50 years, Wole Soyinka has returned to fiction
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Are Thailand's gay TV dramas the next K-pop?
- Italy needs to learn from other countries on structural changes
- Nuclear-Powered Cargo Ships Are Trying to Stage a Comeback
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Elderly populations mean more government spending
- In the name of the planet, Wales curtails roadbuilding
- Poor areas suffered 3.5 times more damage in Turkey's earthquake
- Obituary: Colin Powell thought America should tread carefully in the world
- Direct cremations and burials offer a different way to mourn
- A "Divine Comedy" ballet, 700 years after Dante's death
- The revealing appeal of China's cheapest city
- A famous brand of Chinese sweets reinvents itself again
- Business
- The Success of 'Diablo IV' Is a Welcome Distraction for Activision Blizzard
- Tell us your favourite podcast of 2023 so far
- How the state could take control of the banking system
- Spain's prime minister gambles on a snap general election
- Japan's stockmarket rally may disappoint investors
- Latin America's single mothers are being left behind
- Business
- South Carolina wants to execute an inmate by firing squad
- Corsica protesters and an early morning hare: Tuesday's best photos
- A powerful Irish film about the Great Famine reaches British cinemas
- What Is Blockchain? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Roman civil engineering has lessons for the modern world
- The Economist's UK election poll tracker
- Is the worst now over for America's banks?
- How fast can European steelmakers decarbonise?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- Charles McGee faced adversity at home as much as abroad
- Bolivia is on the brink of an economic crisis
- Apple's Vision Pro is a technical marvel. Will anyone buy it?
- The Fed smothers capitalism in an attempt to save it
- Rampant jihadists are spreading chaos and misery in the Sahel
- It will take years to get Deutsche Bahn back on track
- What TIM's mega-spin-off reveals about Europe's telecoms industry
- Russians have helped make Dubai's property market red hot—again
- Why Israel is becoming a partisan cause in the United States
- Can Kenya bring peace to eastern Congo?
- The Best Gag in 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' Was 56 Years in the Making
- Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise
- Brazil's new president may soon face another threat: his predecessor
- Oil-Field-Services Companies Hold Merger Talks
- Why EY and its rivals may eventually break up, after all
- Politics
- Under Humza Yousaf the forces that polarised Scotland are weakening
- No One Knows Exactly What Social Media Is Doing to Teens
- Mario Terán was the man sent to kill Che Guevara
- Are greedy corporations causing inflation?
- Places with high religious participation have fewer deaths of despair
- Breakup of Google Ad-Tech Business Now on Table in Europe, Too
- Covid-19 is tearing through China
- North Korean hackers stole a record $1.7bn of crypto last year
- Apple Ghosts the Generative AI Revolution
- Best Mac Mini Deals: Lowest Prices Yet for Latest Mac Mini Models - CNET
- Politics
- Western lenders may regret forcing Ukraine to turn to the IMF
- Readers on their strangest attic finds: 'I opened the box and screamed bloody murder'
- After Decades of Independence, Moog Sells Out Again [Corrected]
- Artificial intelligence is reaching behind newspaper paywalls
- The rise and rise of e-sports
- Britain crowns Charles III its new king
- Adolfo Kaminsky saved thousands of Jews by changing their identities
- Why the Story of an AI Drone Trying to Kill Its Operator Seems So True
- How Bookshop.org Survives—and Thrives—in Amazon's World
- Greece's prime minister wins an election, but lacks a majority
- Chinese nationalists are annoyed about colonial-era place names
- The conflict in Ukraine risks inflaming the Sino-American rivalry
- Britain takes a fresh look at its foreign policy
- Narendra Modi is rewriting Indian history
- Emmanuel Macron hopes to reinvent himself in 100 days
- North Koreans are at growing risk of starvation
- A sweeping campaign against corruption in Chinese football
- Alibaba breaks itself up in six
- Mexico now receives more remittances than China
- Japan offers Ukraine a lesson in reconstruction
- The IMF faces a nightmarish identity crisis
- European banks and the price of safety
- Why South Africa is drifting into the Sino-Russian orbit
- The Secret Powers of Being Nearsighted or Farsighted - CNET
- Younger Americans are friendlier to China
- Women take over France's powerful trade unions
- An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance
- Turkey faces a crucial election this summer
- What the world's hottest MBA courses reveal about 21st-century business
- Microsoft's Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI
- External shocks have hit the Italian economy hard
- Sharing Passwords Isn't Safe---How to Minimize the Risks
- Disney pushes back Avatar sequels, with fifth film now due in 2031
- An Oral History of Jurassic Park: The Ride
- The end of Western naivety about China
- KAL's cartoon
- How to bring scents to the metaverse
- Pakistan is at risk of default
- Amoral cities are flourishing in a turbulent geopolitical era
- Fentanyl trafficking tests America's foreign policy
- How geopolitical tensions could disrupt the global car industry
- The world this year
- Ocean-surface temperatures are breaking records
- FTC Reportedly Plans to File an Injunction Microsoft's Acquisition of Activision Blizzard
- Inflation Tracker: When Will Prices Stop Going Up?
- State-school admissions are rising at Oxford and Cambridge
- Millions are travelling across China for lunar new year
- Ahead of a critical election Turkey's economy is running on borrowed time
- How to Fix the Government
- What does Silicon Valley Bank's collapse mean for the financial system?
- Investors brace for a painful crash into America's debt ceiling
- A new play stages excerpts from the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry
- After a decade of SNP dominance, Scotland's politics is suddenly in flux
- Too many people take too many pills
- Why MercadoLibre keeps soaring as other e-emporiums sink
- Welcome to a new era of petrodollar power
- Antony Sher pushed the boundaries of Shakespeare's plays
- This week's covers
- Political instability in Italy has always affected reform
- The Problem With Splitting Parental Leave Down the Middle
- Britain's services exports are booming despite Brexit. Why?
- The Security Hole at the Heart of ChatGPT and Bing
- Best Blenders (2023): Smoothies, Soups, Sauces
- Mosquitoes, wasps and parasitic worms could help make injections less painful
- The American credit cycle is at a dangerous point
- Ukraine's most committed backer wins a huge election victory in Estonia
- Reddit Communities Go Dark in Protest Against CEO and Developer Fees
- Taiwan is a vital island that is under serious threat
- Kali Linux 2023.2 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution
- The Mystery of Australia's Paralyzed Parrots
- The war in Ukraine is spurring transatlantic co-operation in tech
- Vegas Golden Knights Beat Florida Panthers To Win Stanley Cup
- Southern Baptists are arguing about the extent of male authority
- Mexico could elect its first female president next year
- Life and death in a Christmas tree
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Turkey's opposition has picked its man
- A trial in New York exposes US-Mexican counter-narcotics tensions
- Yuan Under Pressure as U.S., China Rates Set to Diverge Further
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Nottingham in shock after three die in early morning attacks
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Los niños rescatados en la selva colombiana habían estado huyendo de los grupos armados
- Ukrainian ingenuity is ushering in a new form of warfare at sea
- What a Therapist Wants You to Know About Remote Therapy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why crashing lithium prices will not make electric cars cheaper
- China readies for stimulus as economic recovery founders
- Many of China's top politicians were educated in the West
- China is exerting greater power across Asia—and beyond
- The Plutocrat vs. the Monopoly
- The Economist's finance and economics internship
- What's an Influencer? The Complete WIRED Guide
- A planned spaceport in Djibouti may give China a boost
- This week's cover
- Ron Galella, the original paparazzo, died on April 30th, aged 91
- Squashing dissidents in Uzbekistan
- Charting Ukraine's soaring exports to the EU
- It is getting even harder for Western scholars to do research in China
- Major New Study Finds Way to Significantly Expand Heart Donor Pool
- "You will always be 0% prepared": Ukraine's refugees on life far from home
- Sources and acknowledgments
- The 10 Best Games on Xbox Game Pass (June 2023)
- KAL's cartoon
- Mexico's president wants to develop the poorer south
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky's highly methodical madness
- How many people died after China lifted its zero-covid policy?
- What shipwrecked insects reveal about life at sea in the 17th century
- The best albums of 2021
- Drought killed 43,000 people in Somalia last year
- American religion is becoming less exceptional
- The 5 Best Cheap Qi Wireless Charging Pads Under $20 - CNET
- What child-care reforms say about Britain's welfare state
- India's sinking towns spark debates about development
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Many Chinese villagers seem ready to move on from covid-19
- Business families in the Gulf need modern laws of inheritance
- Strange New World's Melissa Navia Talks Flying the Enterprise | io9 Interview
- The best kitchen gadgets for 2023
- Cormac McCarthy Movies: Stream These 5 Film Adaptations
- Many wealthy people are considering leaving China
- The United States v. Donald Trump
- After silencing critics at home, Narendra Modi goes after foreign media
- A tussle for control of Interpol pits good cops against bad
- Britain leads the world in online gambling
- Covid is complicating China's efforts to re-engage with the world
- How Japan is losing the global electric-vehicle race
- Credit Suisse Era Ends After UBS Takeover Becomes Official
- Hebe de Bonafini lived through the lives of her sons
- China is leading the challenge to incumbent carmakers
- How China Inc is tackling the TikTok problem
- Why Britain is updating its laws on surrogacy and gamete donation
- Ukraine is building up its forces for an offensive
- Lessons from Russia's cyber-war in Ukraine
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Nigeria's new president scraps the fuel subsidy
- The First In-Depth Study on 'Blue Balls' Reveals a Lot about Sex
- Satellite data show Ukraine's forces are testing Russia's defences
- A study of ophidian clitorises suggests snakes are highly sexed
- How to invest in artificial intelligence
- Why was Nicola Sturgeon arrested and what does it mean for Scottish independence?
- The conundrum of Germany's business ties with China
- Shia Muslims are no longer in the ascendant
- How to stop the commoditisation of container shipping
- AI used to create new and final Beatles song, says Paul McCartney
- Stopping the spiral of murder and violent crime
- A golden sandwich that demists your windscreen
- A flare-up of violence in the Middle East
- Deepmind's AI Is Learning About the Art of Coding
- China and Russia compete for Central Asia's favour
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- If enough people think you're a bad boss, then you are
- PentestGPT - A GPT-empowered Penetration Testing Tool
- 'My life and my home': young people start to testify at historic US climate trial
- I Saw the Face of God in a TSMC Semiconductor Factory
- The forgotten importance of the War of Jenkins' Ear
- An amphibious dinosaur from the Cretaceous
- Turkey's bizarre economic experiment enters a new phase
- How adult brains learn the new without forgetting the old
- China has not done enough to halt the wildlife trade
- Three Republican states pull out of voter-fraud prevention scheme
- Gina Lollobrigida's ambition was her strength and her weakness
- National Swing Man, the British electorate's new-old tribe
- Octopuses Redesign Their Own Brains When They Get Chilly
- What Tesla and other carmakers can learn from Ford
- Acknowledgments
- Climate Change: The Complete WIRED Guide
- P.J. O'Rourke hoped to make life hell for do-gooders everywhere
- America's schools are heading for a crunch
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why the Omicron variant is not a punishment for vaccine inequity
- Apple's iOS 16.5 Fixes 3 Security Bugs Already Used in Attacks
- Politics will move further to the left in 2023
- Togo promises development, not democracy
- All the Ways ChatGPT Can Help You Land a Job
- How Taiwan is shaped by its history and identity
- What do George Santos, R. Kelly and FIFA have in common?
- For Hannah Pick-Goslar, paths crossed in an extraordinary way
- Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the Nobel prize in literature for 2021
- How Kyiv fended off a Russian missile blitz in May
- Pricey Hurdle Before the Wedding: A Splashy Proposal
- A new exhibition shows the visual debt Disney owes to European art
- There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research
- Britain is falling behind in clinical trials of medicines
- Guam, where America's next war may begin
- Anoint my caverns with oil
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Oracle is on course to make Larry Ellison the world's third-richest man
- The Chinese Communist Party plans to avoid a zero-covid reckoning
- EU funding Huawei in critical tech projects despite bans on Chinese group
- Air pollution can drive people to kill themselves
- Truss Tour: 2023
- What is The Economist's word of the year for 2021?
- Ukrainians rescued after destruction of major dam leaves houses underwater – video
- Long Live the Delightfully Dumb Comedy
- The market for dinosaur fossils is booming
- China's guarding of genetic data is a drag on scientific research
- How businesses are experimenting with ChatGPT-like services
- This week's covers
- Violent crime in America
- Jean-Jacques Savin wanted to defy old age
- How to get flexible working right
- The mayor of a Mexican border city says she will live at an army base for safety
- Pete Buttigieg Loves God, Beer, and His Electric Mustang
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Fox News shows that not even Tucker Carlson is bigger than the network
- A digital payments revolution in India
- This week's covers
- Politics and business
- America's government has not been "weaponised"
- What Is Net Neutrality? The Complete WIRED Guide
- America's government steps in to protect depositors at Silicon Valley Bank
- People in Ukraine: have you been affected by the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse?
- This week's cover
- America is courting India in part for its growing economic clout
- How much salt is too much salt? | Kitchen aide
- Credit Suisse faces share-price turbulence, as fear sweeps the market
- The Age of Flames Reaches the US East Coast
- The aviation industry wants to be net zero—but not yet
- A ruling over ownership of the Benin bronzes may delay their return
- America's states are pursuing their own foreign policies
- To survive, Britain's NHS must stop fixating on hospital care
- Peter Brook saw acting as an uncompromising search for truth
- The Cheaper Weight-Loss Alternative Riding the Ozempic Wave
- Hollywood's writers go on strike
- China's new GDP figures may restore faith in its economy
- Russia tightens persecution of a crucial human-rights group
- How digital gaming spreads far and wide
- This week's cover
- China's prime minister, Li Keqiang, is about to retire
- AtomLdr - A DLL Loader With Advanced Evasive Features
- Brazil reckons with the life and legacy of an abolitionist
- The origin of grapevines is a tangled vine itself
- Swimming's ruling on transgender women continues a trend
- In China, Germany's foreign minister does not hold back—and is still welcomed
- Politics
- Why Africa is one of the most unequal continents in the world
- You Don't Have to Cremate Your Cat
- Russia's army is learning on the battlefield
- Japan pivots back to nuclear power
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The challenge of the age
- British voters want more immigrants but less immigration
- Instant Pot parent company files for bankruptcy
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Apple's VisionOS Makes a Bold Leap in Computer Interface
- The Swiss rage about the demise of Credit Suisse
- Silvio Berlusconi was Italy's great seducer
- Myanmar's conflict is dividing South-East Asia
- If English nationalism is on the rise, no one has told the English
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How the Sound Team behind 'Diablo IV' Brought Hell to Life
- Birds are just as fashion-conscious as people
- 14 Best Sleep Gadgets and Apps (2023): Noise Machines, Blankets, Lights, and More
- The Profit Squeeze Is On
- Britons warm up to saunas
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The Full Monty TV review – boring and badly written
- Star Wars Release Dates: Where and When to See Upcoming Star Wars Movies and Disney+ Shows
- In much of Asia, race is just too hard to talk about
- Australian federal police abandon two alleged murder investigations into Ben Roberts-Smith
- Every setback is an opportunity for Ryanair
- British MPs approve Rishi Sunak's Northern Irish deal with the EU
- America is ending its emergency declaration for the pandemic
- An economic calm before the storm?
- The Putin Show
- Satellites Keep Photobombing Space Images. Astronomers Need a Fix
- Lula's ambitious plans to save the Amazon clash with reality
- Best of our "Babbage" podcast in 2022
- Why did 250,000 Britons die sooner than expected?
- How AI Protects (and Attacks) Your Inbox
- What WeightWatchers Offers That Ozempic Can't
- The Kremlin escalates its war on truth
- Cyberwarfare is all in the mind, says Britain
- France dumps Morocco in favour of Algeria
- Why South Korean tattooists are being marked as criminals
- A dictator and his entitled son are holding Uganda captive
- A better way to process encrypted data
- How Russia has revived NATO
- A zero-tolerance approach to talented jerks in the workplace is risky
- Elizabeth II never laid down the heavy weight of the crown
- Imran Khan loses his battle with Pakistan's army
- Why Sequoia Capital is sawing off its Chinese branch
- Pricey Hurdle Before the Wedding: A Splashy Proposal
- The battle to keep "Portrait of Omai" in Britain
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Nikki Haley, like other long shots, sees a path to victory
- The battle for Europe's economic soul
- LIBOR will at last be switched off in June
- Britain's new plan to "stop the boats"
- Why commodities shine in a time of stagflation
- Politics
- Britons should brace for more travel chaos
- What is Crispr Gene Editing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- The rise of user-created video games
- Chegg Embraced AI. ChatGPT Ate Its Lunch Anyway
- KAL's cartoon
- Why are more British adults still living with their parents?
- Italy is trying to deal with its demographic decline
- Call for Uefa to investigate Ukraine flag incident at Champions League final
- It's the Age of Ozempic. Do We Need WeightWatchers Anymore?
- The Kakhovka Dam Collapse Is an Ecological Disaster
- The Arctic's Permafrost-Obsessed Methane Detectives
- Children's centres in Britain are crammed again
- Uganda's harsh anti-gay bill is now law
- Why are corporate retreats so extravagant?
- What Is Cyberwar? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Bertrand Russell and "The Problem of China"
- Zucchini Recipes Our Readers Love
- The resistible lure of the family business
- Britain's Public Order Act goes too far
- Controlled fusion is little nearer now than it was a week ago
- Marriages in China drop to record low despite government push
- Netflix Planning Its First Live Sports Event, Report Says - CNET
- Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt take on AI
- The taboos around sexual health are weakening
- The race to succeed Nicola Sturgeon has plunged the SNP into turmoil
- Yurii Kerpatenko refused to bow to Russian orders
- The Arab world's rulers have turned journalists into courtiers
- Warren Buffett is shaking Japan's magic money tree
- Pope Benedict XVI was an iron fist in a white glove
- There is more than one way to make green steel
- Putin denies Zelenskiy's claims of counteroffensive success for Ukraine
- France is in a stand-off against Emmanuel Macron's pension reform
- Twitter's New CEO Makes It Clear: This Is Elon's Ship, She's Just Running It
- Asian businesses are being dragged into the chip war
- The Corrosive Legacy of Silvio Berlusconi
- Nikola Jokic is an NBA champion, and fans are obsessed with the way he celebrates
- What to do with Russia's abandoned luxury yachts?
- Lata Mangeshkar was the soundtrack of newly independent India
- Glow-Worms Can't Find Their Spark Under Harsh Light Pollution
- Yang Huaiding died on June 13th
- Climate change is harder on less educated people
- Why Venetians are pondering raising their entire city
- Why China fears Starlink
- South Africa's disintegrating freight railway is crippling firms
- China's local-debt crisis is about to get nasty
- Australia's central bank to reimburse almost 1,200 underpaid staff
- Apple MacBook Air 15-Inch Review: The Best Portable Big Display Choice - CNET
- Money and moderately good governance make climate-change adaptation easier
- Watch the Xbox Games Showcase Extended here at 1PM ET
- Quebec elects François Legault's fiercely nationalist party
- GM and partner Samsung SDI pick Indiana for $3B battery factory
- The Philippines' proximity to Taiwan makes it central to Western strategy
- El Salvador's authoritarian president is becoming a regional role model
- The Right Response to Threats of Political Violence
- "The" human genome was always a misnomer
- Young Africans are logging in and clocking on
- KAL's cartoon
- Politics
- UFO Whistleblower, Meet a Conspiracy-Loving Congress
- Broken promises, energy shortages and covid-19 will hamper COP26
- The battle for Khartoum is just the beginning of Sudan's nightmare
- The Kaiser's family accepts it will not get all its stuff back
- Moog acquired by conglomerate inMusic, joining Akai and Alesis
- Obituary: Clive Sinclair foresaw the future too soon
- Argentina's populist political movement is at its lowest ebb
- Sydney CBD sees uptick in commuters as big banks lead push to return workers to offices
- A new way to clean up the steel industry
- The moratorium on repaying student loans in America was a bad idea
- KAL's cartoon
- Shareholders have high hopes for Bayer's new boss
- American policing has changed since George Floyd's murder
- Cormac McCarthy, Author of 'The Road' and 'No Country for Old Men,' Dead at 89
- Uruguay is losing its reputation as Latin America's success story
- Nigeria's presidential race goes down to the wire
- How to Love Technology Again
- Europe drastically cut its energy consumption this winter
- The fading charms of Britain's historic cinemas
- Obituary: Jean "Binta" Breeze spoke for all Jamaican women
- A winner has emerged in the old rivalry between Singapore and Hong Kong
- Louise Casey says the Met is institutionally misogynistic
- Chicago's public schools are emptying. Politics makes it hard to fix
- Why aren't China and America more afraid of a war?
- Was COP26 in Glasgow a success?
- The Glasgow summit left a huge hole in the world's plans to curb climate change
- It is time to divert Taiwan's trade and investment from China
- The business of businesses is climate-change adaptation
- Loretta Lynn gave all struggling women a voice
- Policymakers are likely to jettison their 2% inflation targets
- How to measure China's true economic growth
- What next for Sudan's most notorious rebel leader, known as Hemedti?
- Obituary: Gino Strada believed health care was a human right
- The Vision Pro Is the Perfect Gadget for the Apocalypse
- Odey threatened to sue financial watchdog over misconduct probe
- Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o: three days with a giant of African literature
- A tiny, ancient hominin may have been surprisingly clever
- Conservatives dominate Chile's constitutional assembly this time around
- A huge Norwegian phosphate rock find is a boon for Europe
- What the row over a BBC football presenter's tweets says about Britain
- A Prize, a Puzzle, and an Ode
- Johnson's peerage list reignites calls for House of Lords reform
- Don't Want Students to Rely on ChatGPT? Have Them Use It
- A Colombian tomato fight and an LA kiss: Monday's best photos
- How Ukrainians modify civilian drones for military use
- China's influence in South-East Asia has grown. America's has waned
- The more powerful 2024 Polestar 2 starts at $49,900
- The saviour complex
- Electric cars could be crucial for the EU to meet its climate goals
- Sheikh Hasina is Asia's iron lady
- Fearing China, Australia rethinks its defence strategy
- China seeks a world order that defers to states and their rulers
- Roman Ratushny believed in a better, purer Ukraine
- Protests against Emmanuel Macron's pension reform turn violent
- What online-search data say about China's latest covid wave
- The IEA warns much more ambition is needed to curb global warming
- A Clear Indication That Climate Change Is Burning Up California
- California may punt on paying reparations to the descendants of slaves
- Wealthy Buyers Are Turning This Region Into One of Italy's Hottest Home Markets
- Israel's government is still in a bind
- USAID is changing the way it tries to do good in the world
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan is re-elected as Turkey's president
- Why the Communist Party fears gay rights
- Men Think They Are Strong Workplace Allies. Women Disagree
- South Africa's blackouts hurt the economy in unexpected ways
- What to make of China's claims about covid
- Ronald Blythe recorded the passing, and continuance, of rural life
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The energy transition will be expensive
- Much of Russia's intellectual elite has fled the country
- America's entitlement programmes are rapidly approaching insolvency
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Polish regulator set to clear Ukrainian group's delisting from Warsaw exchange
- Russia's war on Ukraine is changing Europe
- Don't fear an AI-induced jobs apocalypse just yet
- Tony Gilroy Fought Hard to Try and Get Andor the First Star Wars F-Bomb
- Online daters are less open-minded than their filters suggest
- A war correspondent's intimate portrait of an embattled minority
- Big pharma's patent cliff is fast approaching
- A drug for Alzheimer's disease that seems to work
- If You're Compulsively Checking Air Quality, Use These Apps
- The uses and abuses of hype
- How to measure how stress affects athletes' performance
- Turkey is still just a democracy, but it is not certain to remain that way
- The ocean is as important to the climate as the atmosphere
- C2-Hunter - Extract C2 Traffic
- Europe will need to fundamentally reset its fiscal policies
- The fun and the fury of a rattlesnake derby
- Why 16 Should Be the Minimum Age for Social Media
- Stock-Market Bulls See Room to Run
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan's relatives are becoming increasingly powerful
- Politics
- Tunisia's autocratic ruler adopts the "Great Replacement" theory
- Press freedom is under attack
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The politics of death in China
- David Bowie delved into his own past on "Toy"
- Daniel Ortega expels 222 political prisoners from Nicaragua
- The Quest for a Switch to Turn on Hunger
- Hindenburg Research takes on Carl Icahn
- KAL's cartoon
- Graphcat - Generate Graphs And Charts Based On Password Cracking Result
- Inside 4chan's Top-Secret Moderation Machine
- Sea ice in Antarctica is at its lowest-ever level, again
- Businesses' bottleneck bane
- How to make low-carbon concrete from old cement
- Ukraine's gay soldiers fight Russia—and for their rights
- Fast-paced platformer 'Neon White' is coming to Xbox
- Will the recent banking chaos lead to an economic crash?
- An "electoral reform" in Mexico will make elections less safe
- Is China's attitude to genetically modified crops changing?
- Who does Olaf Scholz listen to?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Trump Is Arraigned on Documents and Obstruction Charges
- Highlights of a year when art mattered as much as ever
- Arab tourism to Israel is still thwarted by politics and Palestine
- Peng Ming-min fought for the idea of "one China and one Formosa"
- India is getting an eye-wateringly big transport upgrade
- How Donald Trump's trials and the Republican primary will intersect
- Labour makes striking gains in the heartland of Brexit
- Chicago's new mayor has one of the trickiest jobs in politics
- The Cheaper Weight-Loss Alternative Riding the Ozempic Wave
- Copper is the missing ingredient of the energy transition
- Britain's new political sorcerer: the Reform Fairy
- Will Jeremy Hunt's "budget for growth" achieve its goal?
- Sad, confused, deluded: spare a thought for the friends of Boris Johnson at this difficult time | Marina Hyde
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- El Salvador's bitcoin experiment is not paying off
- Spoutible's Low-Budget, Audacious Quest to Be the Next Twitter
- Editing Roald Dahl for sensitivity was silly
- Ukraine's Danube ports have become a lifeline
- KAL's cartoon
- War-crimes prosecutions in Ukraine are a long game
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Human diets are becoming less diverse, a new book warns
- A crisis of confidence in Egypt
- Business
- Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer
- The four women who shook up philosophy
- Want to be a nun? You need to pass these tests
- Food delivery apps are getting lost in transit
- Deepmind's AI Is Learning About the Art of Coding
- After half a century, there is a commercial market for Moon missions
- Hades - Go Shellcode Loader That Combines Multiple Evasion Techniques
- Pebble Mobility wants to build the iPhone of electric RVs
- Jair Bolsonaro's challenge to Brazil's election was rejected
- Politics
- GitHub Survey Finds 92% of Programmers Are Using AI Tools
- Jacinda Ardern's successor is unveiled
- These are the most expensive cities in Europe
- Humans have altered other species as well as the environment
- Brandon Sanderson Is Your God
- France's Mistral AI blows in with a $113M seed round at a $260M valuation to take on OpenAI
- Albania is no longer a bad Balkan joke
- In America climate hawks and Big Oil alike cheer geothermal energy
- Fixing Britain's national water supply will be a marathon
- Man City v Inter Milan is the most lopsided final in Champions League history
- Japanese workers are seeking higher wages overseas
- U.S. Intelligence Has Amassed 'Sensitive and Intimate' Data on 'Nearly Everyone'
- Apple MacBook Air (15-Inch, 2023) Review: Big Screen Love
- 'They're caving to bullies': queer influencers in the US say brands have gone quiet
- 12 Best Air Purifiers (2023): HEPA, Portable, and Quiet
- China is still punishing those who protested against zero-covid
- Spotify has been fined $5.4 million for violating GDPR data rules
- The Explosive Legacy of the Pandemic Hand Sanitizer Boom
- After eight dismal years, Nigeria prepares to replace President Buhari
- Why China's government might struggle to revive its economy
- How much of a concern are China's overseas police stations?
- Politics
- Wi-Fi signals could prove useful for spies
- Why the Story of an AI Drone Trying to Kill Its Operator Seems So True
- What happens if America defaults on its debt?
- After 50 years, the Residents are still on the road
- Obituary: George Holliday fortuitously filmed the beating of Rodney King
- Military briefing: Ukrainian troops make early gains against 'well-prepared' Russians
- U.S. Inflation Cools as Fed Plots Next Interest Rate Move
- Abir Mukherjee adds a twist to his winning crime formula
- How Donald Trump damaged America's interests in Asia
- China is losing Taiwanese hearts and minds
- Questions surround a gun attack on Argentina's vice-president
- At last, Xi Jinping calls Volodymyr Zelensky
- Spanish renewable-energy development is waking from its siesta
- Crazy policies and climate change are hurting Latin American agriculture
- Two new books explore the impact of accelerating technology
- Wall Street Firms Up Bets on U.S. Consumers
- Bulgaria's fight with corruption brings its fifth election in two years
- MDMA Moves from Club Drug to Real Therapy
- A year of war in Ukraine, in maps
- The best memes of 2021
- How to write the perfect 2024 campaign book
- America's 117th Congress accomplished a lot. So did its recent predecessors
- Perils grow as America and Russia stop sharing data on nukes
- The financial system is slipping into state control
- Nepo babies are taking over the workplace
- Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela once ran 80% of the world cocaine market
- Apple's VisionOS Makes a Bold Leap in Computer Interface
- Russian arms have fewer takers in South-East Asia
- America will struggle to pay for ultra-expensive gene therapies
- Dominant languages can spread even without coercion
- Politics
- BP Refinery Suffered Cascade of Malfunctions Before Fatal Explosion
- Donors are already mulling a Marshall Plan for Ukraine
- Can an AI be an inventor?
- The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns
- Software is now as important as hardware in cars
- Montana, climate-change pioneer
- How to ask for a bribe without asking for a bribe
- An ambitious plan for "total peace" in Colombia is faltering
- What to make of China's military drills around Taiwan
- Pelé went from poverty to football superstardom
- Vladimir Putin's courts are stepping up repression
- Paul McCartney is using AI to create a final song for The Beatles
- Obituary: Bernard Tapie, a colourful and controversial French businessman
- How a Housing Bet Went Wrong for Activist Investor Elliott
- Best Rural Internet Providers of 2023 - CNET
- Why so much of the world won't stand up to Russia
- Best MacBook Deals: Latest Models at Lowest Prices Ever - CNET
- China's huge Asian investments fail to buy it soft power
- Countries need to pull more carbon dioxide out of the air
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Where did woke ideas start to spread?
- You can now share music on Instagram Notes, plus view translations
- Ukraine's counter-offensive appears to have begun
- Taking stock of America's flagship trade programme for Africa
- This week's cover
- Complexities of moderating and classifying video games
- A decades-old model of animal (and human) learning is under fire
- China's new Great Wall
- Once Russia's best friend in the West, Austria is facing trouble
- Acidifying the air may protect against covid
- Sir Paul McCartney's memoir aims to affirm his status as a writer
- Anonymous tipsters, angry at Russia, help detect sanctions-busters
- Obituary: Ernst van de Wetering could spot a Rembrandt anywhere
- England may soon become the world's best cricket team
- The difficulties facing Britain's covid-19 inquiry
- Nobody is happy with NYC's $18 delivery worker minimum wage
- For the first time since the 1960s, China's population is shrinking
- China needs foreign workers. So why won't it embrace immigration?
- When will China's GDP overtake America's?
- His Drivers Unionized—Then Amazon Tried to Terminate His Contract
- Columbia University ditches the college-ranking system
- How the Iraq war bent America's army out of shape
- The CIA warned Kyiv not to attack the Nord Stream gas pipelines last summer after it obtained detailed information about a Ukrainian plot to destroy a main energy connection between Russia and Europe, officials familiar with the exchange said.
- Ron DeSantis's lurch in Florida hurts his presidential chances
- Saotome Katsumoto insisted that Japan should not forget
- Lula cosies up to Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat
- Who are the militias raiding Russia's Belgorod region?
- Why China wants to be a risk
- Renovation required
- Stocks have shrugged off the banking turmoil. Haven't they?
- China is overwhelmed, yet an even bigger covid wave may be coming
- Zimbabwe wants to come in from the cold
- Oe Kenzaburo was made a writer by a family crisis
- The novel ways old people try to find love in China
- Can Colombia's mercurial president bring "total peace"?
- Disney Delays All Its Upcoming Star Wars and Avatar Movies
- A praying mantis attacks a nestling
- Volodymyr Zelensky's European trip secures a lot more military backing
- A different way to measure the climate impact of food
- Netflix Password Sharing Crackdown Sees Over 200,000 New Subscribers Sign Up - CNET
- Why Apple is betting big on India
- India and Pakistan are choking on each other's pollution
- How rare-gas supply adapted to Russia's war
- Ranajit Guha revolutionised the study of India's past
- At American law schools, a fresh fuss over freedom of speech
- What makes a good office perk?
- Business
- People Let a Startup Put a Brain Implant in Their Skull—for 15 Minutes
- Life under the rule of the Taliban 2.0
- Goldman Sachs Is at War With Itself
- A new archive preserves the creative legacy of the East Village
- The women's Euros are selling out stadiums
- Ida B. Wells Society internships mired by funding issues, says Nikole Hannah-Jones
- To ensure vaccines work properly, men should get a good night's sleep
- Business
- Ukraine gets its F-16s
- Latin America's prisons are overcrowded and violent
- China's new "Top Gun" normalises war with America
- Iran puts its nuclear programme beyond the reach of American bombs
- Embracer announces layoffs and game cancellations after a $2 billion deal falls through
- A battle against spies in China is spooking locals and foreigners
- The 15 Best Games on PlayStation Plus
- Politics
- Tiger Woods, Forced to Miss the U.S. Open, Is Everywhere
- Anne Saxelby was a champion of artisan farmers and their wares
- Georgia, the Peach State, has no peach crop this year
- The "Scream" franchise adds another self-referential sequel
- Why Russian oil and gas is still flowing through Ukraine
- Icy moons with vast oceans are the latest candidates for alien life
- Italy's protected sectors need exposure to more competition
- What to make of reports that Cuba will host a Chinese spy base
- This week's covers
- Ethiopia's war in Tigray has ended, but deep faultlines remain
- Abe Shinzo believed that Japan should assert itself in the world
- The 'Taxi Prince' Is Taking on Uber---and Winning
- Costly climate rules are turning Germans away from the Greens
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why are Latin American workers so strikingly unproductive?
- Common sense prevails as Chileans reject a new constitution
- The race to be Latin America's next top development banker
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Feeling the Pressure: Instant Pot's Parent Company Files for Bankruptcy
- How, if at all, might Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine?
- His Drivers Unionized—Then Amazon Tried to Terminate His Contract
- Quantifying the rise of America's far right
- Binyamin Netanyahu is exploiting Israel's divisions
- Business
- Le Maire pledges to put France's finances back on track with spending cuts
- Garmin Edge 840 Solar Review: A Data-Rich Bike Computer
- What performance-enhancing stimulants mean for economic growth
- Middle-class Sri Lankans are fleeing their country
- Five Things You Need to Know about Wildfire Smoke Right Now
- Tales of yore will tell of the plot twists in this Mbappé to Real Madrid saga | Barney Ronay
- Instagram adds music and translation to its Notes feature
- Chinese propaganda is surprisingly effective abroad
- After a bungled coup attempt, Peru's president falls
- New Zealand is right to atone for its colonial crimes in the Pacific
- Traditional farming practices are being boosted in Guatemala
- Brazil's new president is visiting Joe Biden to boost relations
- This Week's Fed Meeting May Not Affect Home Loan Rates. Here's Why - CNET
- Ivanka Trump is long gone, but Melania is waiting. Will her husband be president – or go to prison? | Arwa Mahdawi
- The Mario Movie's Cast and Crew Talk Bringing the Mushroom Kingdom to Life
- Emmanuel Macron's government survives, but more trouble lies ahead
- Will Japan fight?
- Binyamin Netanyahu has lost his aura of invincibility
- The strange tale of a prominent North Korean defector
- How Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva would govern Brazil
- Politics
- A Podcast About the Airport Best Sellers We Can't Escape
- The Beatles Used AI to Create Their 'Final Song' With John Lennon's Voice
- How intrepid Victorian surveyors mapped the length and breadth of Britain
- Can Gautam Adani ride out the storm?
- An anti-graft drive brings down Vietnam's president
- China's rulers play the law-and-order card, and lose
- Binyamin Netanyahu rushes to take on Israel's Supreme Court
- Why Baghdad may have the worst traffic in the Middle East
- Business
- How AI Protects (and Attacks) Your Inbox
- Bcrypt, a Popular Password Hashing Algorithm, Starts Its Long Goodbye
- Politics
- The child vaping crisis: 'From what my daughter says, 90% of her year do it'
- Why are so many whales washing up dead on east-coast beaches?
- The Bizarre Reality of Getting Online in North Korea
- Rivalry between America and China has spread to the Indian Ocean
- China has chilling plans for governing Taiwan
- The cucumber Saudis: how the Dutch got too good at farming
- KAL's cartoon
- How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe's demography
- Pelé, king of the beautiful game
- What Barbie tells you about near-shoring
- The Anglophone military alliance in Asia is seriously ambitious
- Nothing Phone (2) Has a Release Date, But We Still Don't Know Its Price
- Upper legislative houses tend to be biased and malapportioned
- More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies
- In preparing for disasters, museums face tough choices
- Nvidia Can Handle Being in the Trillion Dollar Club
- Is Narendra Modi turning Bollywood against Muslims?
- London's newest train line is now also its busiest
- COP26 ends with a pact that is neither a triumph nor a trainwreck
- Humidifiers vs Dehumidifiers vs Purifiers: Which One Do I Actually Need?
- Ben Stokes pushing hard to bowl for England in opening Ashes Test
- A Bambi Live-Action Movie Is in the Works to Make Us Relive Childhood Trauma
- Watch the trailer for the second season of Apple TV+ series 'Foundation'
- Uniqlo's success mirrors the growth of Japan's industrial giants
- Business
- Elemental Proves Pixar Is at Its Best When Taking Big Swings
- The New York Public Library mines its archive of 56m objects
- Temperatures of 50°C will become much more common around the Mediterranean
- Boris Johnson faces 'damning' report by MPs into his conduct
- How Baltimore became a sad harbinger of the future
- The Iraqi militias are copying their overmighty cousins in Iran
- First Republic fails, and is snapped up by JPMorgan Chase
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why tech giants want to strangle AI with red tape
- How Chinese people are dealing with the spread of covid-19
- Small-town Chinese officials are making money with music festivals
- The rich world's housing crunch is far from over
- Chinese nationalists are up in arms over the treatment of pandas
- How to stop the killing
- America is less dominant in defence spending than you might think
- A new book explains the tragic failure of Boeing's 737 MAX
- An American-backed foreign force may be sent to Haiti
- SunPower Review: Best Performing Solar Panels Available - CNET
- Scientists Beam Solar Power to Earth from Space for First Time Ever
- The Ugandan state unlawfully detains a novelist
- A Secret Key to Saving Species Is Blowing in the Wind
- Business
- Leaders of Islamic State have a short life-expectancy
- China is unusually secretive about its space programme
- KAL's cartoon
- What China's graduates really think about their job prospects
- The WIRED Guide to Commercial Human Space Flight
- DC Release Dates: When to See DCEU Movies and HBO Max Shows
- After Credit Suisse's demise, attention turns to Deutsche Bank
- Politics
- Apple Ghosts the Generative AI Revolution
- How the Iraq war became a threat to American democracy
- Inside 4chan's Top-Secret Moderation Machine
- How the Human Genome Project revolutionised biology
- Covid-19 has already torn through large swathes of China
- Javier Milei, an Argentine libertarian, is rising in the polls
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Fan fiction writers are trolling AIs with Omegaverse stories
- Turkey's President Erdogan shifts towards sane economics
- The Tories v the institutions
- Business leaders fear that South Africa risks becoming a failed state
- El Niño's arrival spells out the stark choices on climate
- Who is keeping coal alive?
- Turkey has a newly confrontational foreign policy
- Lebanon's judges battle over their probe of Beirut's port blast
- KAL's cartoon
- Could digital-payments systems help unseat the dollar?
- Science Shouldn't Give Data Brokers Cover for Stealing Your Privacy
- A surge of migrants is reaching Italy
- Regulators put the future of America's crypto industry in doubt
- Meet the lefty Europeans who want to shrink the economy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Porsche SE Looks Undervalued, Berenberg Says
- Ann Shulgin pioneered the use of psychedelics in therapy
- Britain's stockmarket has languished. Its gilt market may be next
- Bluesky's Custom Algorithms Could Be the Future of Social Media
- How to two-time your employer: a tech worker's guide
- Business
- Stock Market to Fed: You Haven't Done Enough
- My parents want to split their home into two houses, selling one to me. Is it feasible?
- Would Labour turn to the left in office?
- If China's growth is so strong, why is inflation so weak?
- Conservative Americans are building a parallel economy
- Plants call for help with a chemical employed by people as a drug
- Has Emmanuel Macron doomed France's government by pushing through his reforms?
- Quite a few young Americans plan to end their days as compost
- Micronesia takes on China
- Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities
- Keeping up with the Tokugawas
- China is dismantling its zero-covid machine
- Saudi Arabia is reconciling with regimes it once tried to topple
- What's behind the rise in dog attacks? - podcast
- KAL's cartoon
- What a Therapist Wants You to Know About Remote Therapy
- America's $800bn climate splurge is feeding a new lobbying ecosystem
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How AI Protects (and Attacks) Your Inbox
- America may be a step closer to banning TikTok
- A cartography of human histology is in the making
- Why Tim Scott is such a long shot for the Republican nomination
- Australia and Canada are one economy—with one set of flaws
- The 48 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now
- How the Rosetta Stone was deciphered
- Sudan's troubled east is a microcosm of a wider crisis
- "Spencer", Pablo Larraín's Princess Diana fable, is less than the sum of its parts
- This Shape-Shifting Robot Could Help Astronauts Transport Objects on the Moon
- When Not to Treat Cancer
- Football clubs' revenues rebound from covid—especially in England
- 40 Father's Day Gifts for the Dependable Dude in Your Life
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to survive a superpower split
- Reality TV Saved Me
- The hedonist's hedonist: why Jack Grealish is having the best week of his life
- Pixar's Elio Teaser Promises an Adorable First-Contact Adventure
- The push to bring insulin prices down in America
- Who's that busker on the streets of Nairobi? Only the world-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma!
- Apple's Vision Pro Isn't the Future
- Britain plans new guidance on sex and gender in schools
- EY gets banned from new audit business in Germany
- What walking from Washington to New York reveals about America
- Two new books shed light on the plight of the Uyghurs
- Don't Say It Too Loudly, But UBS Just Got a Steal of a Deal
- Germany is at last tackling its long-standing economic weaknesses
- A winter drought grips southern Europe
- Go Behind the Scenes on How the Mario Movie Made the Mushroom Kingdom
- China brokers an Iran-Saudi rapprochement
- Lula wants to purge Brazil of Jair Bolsonaro's influence
- Spoutible's Low-Budget, Audacious Quest to Be the Next Twitter
- China throws the book at two prominent human-rights lawyers
- AI Could Usher in a New Era of Music. Will It Suck?
- How a front-line city became Ukraine's romantic capital
- The first week of COP26 was less substantive than it seemed
- KAL's cartoon
- Evidence of 1-Billion-Year-Old 'Lost World' of Microbes Discovered Beneath Australian Outback
- The best books of 2021
- Hong Kong starts its largest national-security trial
- Governments are finding new ways to squash free expression online
- How covid-19 spurred governments to snoop on sewage
- The world's biggest democracy is becoming less free
- Reddit's CEO reportedly told staff that the community's API protest will blow over
- Hyperdimensional Computing Reimagines Artificial Intelligence
- China's cancel culture is nationalist, not woke
- The bad bind bedevilling Mike Pence and Chris Christie
- Sam Bankman-Fried is charged with defrauding investors
- Political turmoil is tearing Peru apart
- Russian Forces Strike Back Against Ukraine's Counteroffensive
- Poland Says 'Nie' to Another Nordic NATO Chief, Splitting Alliance
- After debt-ceiling negotiations, America faces a debt deluge
- Small climate projects cannot take the place of all large ones
- Kenya's blood shortage and the kicking of an aid addiction
- Credit Suisse's takeover causes turmoil in a $275bn bond market
- Germany is letting a domestic squabble pollute Europe's green ambitions
- Recent left-wing triumphs in Latin America may prove short-lived
- Mathematicians Find Hidden Structure in a Common Type of Space
- Ron DeSantis's six-week abortion ban brings risks to women
- Whale of a time: pod of 30 orcas bring killer moves to a California bay
- Book Review: 'Wannabe,' by Aisha Harris
- The coming years will be the hottest ever
- When a Vintage RV Is Your Home, Repair Is a Way of Life
- Tina Turner turned a tough life into splendour
- San Francisco's "woke maths" experiment
- Carolyn Bryant's was the testimony that doomed Emmett Till
- Vladimir Putin says the world's energy infrastructure is "at risk"
- Sanna Marin concedes defeat in Finland
- Colombian Children Found in Jungle Had Been on Plane to Flee Armed Group
- KAL's cartoon
- A spat over farming bodes ill for Ukraine's future European prospects
- Environments can affect language—just not how you think
- Los Angeles Councilman Curren Price Faces Corruption Charges
- On screen, Father Christmas cuts a mercurial figure
- Cashless talk
- Generative artificial intelligence on our "Babbage" podcast
- A white, gay, Zulu-speaking mayor is shaking up South African politics
- How men with guns aggravate global hunger
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Horses Stand Up to Sleep but Lie Down Perchance to Dream
- The market for Picassos may be about to turn
- Want to Understand Canada's Wildfire Crisis? Read This Book
- A Garden Party to Mark the Start of Summer
- Lawsuits aimed at greenhouse-gas emissions are a growing trend
- Kubestroyer - Kubernetes Exploitation Tool
- Why Lebanon's drivers can't be legal
- Life is getting tough for borrowers. Where will the pain be felt?
- John Hare devoted his life to saving the Gobi's wild camels
- China is trying to win over Westerners and private firms
- A new book celebrates Annie Leibovitz's fashion photography
- "Don't Look Up", Adam McKay's political farce, is bleakly realistic
- The lessons from the Chinese spy balloon
- America accuses South Africa of sending arms to Russia
- A leak of files is one of America's worst intelligence breaches in a decade
- Finland has Turkey's approval and can at last join NATO
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins
- Google's June Pixel drop brings new safety and health features
- Arizona Republicans try and fail to expel Democratic lawmaker over Bible prank
- My Balls-Out Quest to Achieve the Perfect Scrotum
- The price of eggs in America cannot be explained by inflation alone
- Nigel Lawson was the economic brain of Thatcherism
- Inflation has yet to dent big food's earnings
- Mikhail Gorbachev did not mean the Soviet Union to end that way
- 10 Best Wi-Fi Routers (2023): Budget, Gaming Routers, Large Homes, Mesh
- Joe Biden fires the starting gun on the presidential race
- Imran Khan's arrest brings Pakistan closer to the edge
- XSS-Exploitation-Tool - An XSS Exploitation Tool
- China's Recovery Is in Real Peril Now
- For markets Silicon Valley Bank's demise signals a painful new phase
- Mexico's gangs are becoming criminal conglomerates
- Brazil's foreign policy is hyperactive, ambitious and naive
- Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear?
- Disney will cut 7,000 jobs as it restructures its business
- This week's covers
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- More strikes and demonstrations against French pension reform
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- David Squires on … the greatest football season in sportswashing history
- How America plans to break China's grip on African minerals
- What happened at COP26?
- Ukraine's top guns need new jets to win the war
- U.S. to Allow South Korean, Taiwan Chip Makers to Keep Operations in China
- The Taliban are digging an enormous canal
- Should you send your children to private school?
- Two books assess the fight against global corruption
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Thatcher, Sunak and the politics of the supermarket
- What Defines Artificial Intelligence? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Can America and China avoid another diplomatic crisis?
- Habitat loss and climate change increase the risk of new diseases
- After Trump's 2nd Indictment, His 2024 Presidential Campaign Trudges On
- A new world order seeks to prioritise security and climate change
- The opposition looks set to win Thailand's election
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Erdogan's empire
- Artificial intelligence is remixing journalism into a "soup" of language
- Vladimir Putin has rallied the West
- The 2023 crony-capitalism index
- Nothing Phone 2 Finally Has a Launch Date - CNET
- Many thousands of Africans have disappeared in conflict
- The coming of age of the global space economy
- This week's covers
- Hunt for serial crocodile killer in Queensland after second decapitation
- Prince Harry complains again, this time in court
- Silvergate is the latest victim of the crypto meltdown
- How Ukraine is using fake tanks and guns to confuse the Russians
- As they cut back on hiring, Arab bureaucracies are spending more to get less
- Streaming services are helping Arab producers liven up television
- The 15 Best Movies on Hulu This Week
- The Awkward Partnership Leading the AI Boom
- Georgian protesters' triumph over a "foreign-agent" law
- How one pandemic made another one worse
- Indonesia embraces resource nationalism
- 'A bowl of spaghetti' : Covid inquiry opens with flowchart on UK's pandemic planning
- Best Satellite Internet Providers of 2023 - CNET
- Ocean Currents Are Slowing, With Potentially Devastating Effects
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- EV laggard Toyota says its next-gen EVs will have over 600 miles range
- Humza Yousaf, the SNP's new leader, faces an uphill battle
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Europe is unprepared for what might come next in America
- British politics is littered with fake taboos
- A changing car industry should result in more choice and better motoring
- Finfra lets Indonesian businesses add embedded finance to their platforms
- Boris Johnson strikes again
- 'Anyone but Tory': blue wall Yorkshire village questions loyalty ahead of byelection
- This week's cover
- The most expensive cities in which to celebrate Valentine's Day
- Argentina's vice-president could face 12 years in prison
- Federal Reserve expected to pause aggressive rate rising campaign
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- This Artificial Muscle Moves Stuff on Its Own
- The Inflation Reduction Act is turning heads among British businesses
- Why did America's leaders stop caring about schools?
- Turkey has given up promoting political Islam abroad
- American railways and truckers are at a crossroads
- Business
- Lawrence MacEwen made a tiny island prosper
- Brazil's election is tight ahead of a run-off on October 30th
- The cases against Donald Trump
- Breakup of Google Ad-Tech Business Now on Table in Europe, Too
- Gradually, the besieged city of Bakhmut is being abandoned by everyone
- Issey Miyake saw clothes in a completely new way
- Who are Russia's supporters?
- China's new head of government, Li Qiang, has Xi Jinping's ear
- I Saw You Standing There
- To understand Labour's shadow cabinet, read its books
- Economists and investors should pay less attention to consumers
- A biographer explores Greta Garbo's glamour and vacuity
- South-East Asia is in the grip of a record-breaking heatwave
- Tech, an Early Booster of Remote Work, Wants People Back in the Office
- A WHO report shows that pregnancy is killing 800 women a day
- Hormone tests for women's fertility seem not to work
- The WIRED Guide to Aliens
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Khartoum has exploded into open warfare
- These millionaires want to tax the rich, and they're lobbying working-class voters
- The wind-turbine industry should be booming. Why isn't it?
- The green revolution will stall without Latin America's lithium
- The best television shows of 2021
- Politics
- Refugee-friendly Canada tightens its border with the United States
- Firms search for greener supplies of graphite for EV batteries
- What the First Republic deal means for America's banks
- Aaron Beck turned the world of psychiatry upside down
- Republicans intensify their assault on city governments
- A critical genetic database is under fire
- JPMorgan cuts ties with Odey Asset Management
- Can Adidas ever catch up with Nike?
- Will China dominate the world of semiconductors?
- The small consolations of office irritations
- Sucking a carbon-neutral fuel out of thin air
- Microsoft's Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The missing ingredient in Britain's new law on tenants' rights
- "Bonsoir l'Europe!" How languages affect Eurovision scores
- Cannabis and anaesthesia do not mix
- For Western democracies, the price of avoiding a clash with China is rising
- Thank God, Star Wars Outlaws Isn't Set During the Rise of the Empire
- Young South Koreans are embracing fractional investing
- Japan's ageing society is finding creative ways to dispose of its dead
- Fiddling with Egypt's clocks
- Is the luxury sector recession-proof?
- What is 5G? The Complete Guide to When, Why, and How
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- UFO Whistleblower, Meet a Conspiracy-Loving Congress
- Is the global housing slump over?
- Hyperdimensional Computing Reimagines Artificial Intelligence
- Video: insights from the author
- Iran and its Arab neighbours are divided over a name
- Vast satellite constellations are alarming astronomers
- Lessons from Novo Nordisk on the stampede for obesity drugs
- India's solar power rollout is flagging
- China's Communist Party takes aim at hedonistic bankers
- 'Touch mic and shell it!' How British freestyle rap videos became a global phenomenon
- How China's police are ensnaring thousands of suspects abroad
- The Philippines's once-proud Maoist insurgents are out of ammo
- Politics
- The Indian Premier League is taking over global cricket
- A new type of Palestinian militia is emerging
- House Republicans are no closer to tying Hunter Biden's activities to Joe
- Australia re-bans alcohol in some Aboriginal communities
- What does the PGA-LIV merger mean for the future of golf? – video explainer
- What would humans do in a world of super-AI?
- Congress should fund the BLM (no, not that one)
- Meta Reveals Twitter Competitor Planned as Stand-Alone App
- Tension in Senegal is set to persist
- Expensive energy may have killed more Europeans than covid-19 last winter
- PythonMemoryModule - Pure-Python Implementation Of MemoryModule Technique To Load Dll And Unmanaged Exe Entirely From Memory
- Google Delays Bard AI Launch in the EU Over Privacy Concerns
- Politics
- To Make a Greener Building, Start With an Old One
- The Omicron variant advances at an incredible rate
- Annalena Baerbock's trip to China shows her talent and her limitations
- Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty in Documents Case, Denounces Prosecutors
- Why America and Europe fret about China turning inwards
- Why economics does not understand business
- Business
- ESG investing
- Gloria Allen ran a charm school for young trans women
- What is Virtual Reality (VR)? The Complete WIRED Guide
- All-Clad's Factory Seconds Sale Is Happening Right Now: Deals on Pots and Pans
- Britain's economy may grow by more than expected, but inflation is stickier
- Carmen Callil changed British reading habits for ever
- Asteroid City Is Wes Anderson at His Best
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to Use Gmail (and Slack and Zoom) Better Than Anyone in Your Office: 19 Easy Shortcuts
- In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside
- Trump claims 'political persecution' in speech after arraignment
- LinkedInDumper - Tool To Dump Company Employees From LinkedIn API
- Cormac McCarthy showed us America's violent heart | Martin Pengelly
- Inflation and rising demands on governments are changing economic policy
- Toyota Shareholders Re-Elect Akio Toyoda to Board, Rejecting Activist Push
- Suicide rates for girls are rising. Are smartphones to blame?
- The inflation problem will get better before it gets worse
- Are America's regional banks over the worst of it?
- The invasion of Ukraine is not the first social media war, but it is the most viral
- Talitrix Prison-Monitoring System Tracks Inmates Down to Their Heart Rate
- The British government attempts to take on the NHS's workforce problems
- Which countries have escaped the middle-income trap?
- Ukrainian Dam Collapse Triggers 'Ecological Disaster'
- Aboard Britain's first commercial self-driving bus
- How to charge more
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Apple Ghosts the Generative AI Revolution
- Keeping cameras out of court denied the public the sight of Trump at bay
- Economists Cut Singapore's 2023 Growth Forecast, MAS Survey Shows
- How many Russians have been killed in Ukraine?
- Bud Light Loses Title as Top-Selling U.S. Beer
- How to Factory-Reset Your Phone Before You Sell It
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Obituary: Frenchy Cannoli, who treated hashish like fine wine
- Activision Blizzard: US judge blocks takeover by Microsoft until further hearings
- Should rich countries pay for climate damage in poor ones?
- Can high-rise buildings solve London's housing problems?
- Trump blasts 'evil and heinous abuse of power' after second indictment
- A century-old choice created one of the Gulf's oddest geopolitical features
- Military and financial support to Ukraine hits a record high
- Canada's Wildfires Are a Warning of the East Coast's Smoky Future
- Who will be Iran's next leader?
- Canada's Conservatives pick a brainy brawler as leader
- At Meta, Everything Old Is New Again
- How to explain the puzzle of the world economy
- Scott Adams's racist comments were spurred by a badly worded poll
- Downtown San Francisco is at a tipping-point
- The Supreme Court says Alabama's electoral map is discriminatory
- Atlantic Editions, Imprint of The Atlantic and Zando, Announces Three New Titles Coming in October
- President Joe Biden starts to lift sanctions on Venezuela
- The European retail group still struggling to ditch its Russian owners
- Esther Bejarano died on July 10th
- Self-Driving Cars: The Complete Guide
- Whisper it, but the boom in plastic production could be about to come to a juddering halt | Geoffrey Lean
- Millions of dead fish are washing up in Australia
- Can rich countries care for the old without going bust?
- It doesn't take much to make machine-learning algorithms go awry
- Barry Humphries, creator and manager of Dame Edna Everage, died on April 22nd, aged 89
- How softer non-policing strategies might help
- Doug Rushkoff Is Ready to Renounce the Digital Revolution
- India's Tech Obsession May Leave Millions of Workers Without Pay
- The world's religions face a post-pandemic reckoning
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why Vladimir Putin is not a pariah in China
- Montenegro's long-time boss is ousted
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Google's 'Katamari Damacy' easter egg lets you roll up your search results
- It turns out that Democrats bus migrants, too
- It's not the job of children to fix the climate crisis. We must show them grown-ups are leading the way | Cassy Polimeni
- How Vladimir Putin provokes—and complicates—the struggle against autocracy
- A former bureaucrat is giving Erdogan a run for his money
- Crucial SSDs are up to 48 percent off right now
- Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 476 of the invasion
- A Nigerian trade in insects that bite
- Obituary: Graham Vick believed glorious music belonged to everyone
- What WeightWatchers Offers That Ozempic Can't
- Phyllida Barlow had a lifetime of adventure making art
- The cult of Li Wenliang, the doctor who spotted covid-19
- Britain's Conservative Party takes a local-election bruising
- The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Bernard Ingham and Betty Boothroyd ensured democracy worked as it should
- April Ashley campaigned for rights hardly considered before
- The 'Taxi Prince' Is Taking on Uber---and Winning
- Millions of Gigabyte Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor
- The 25 Best Shows on Hulu Right Now
- Shyam Saran Negi never failed in his democratic duty
- Albert Woodfox found his true self in prison
- Frank Drake believed that the universe had to contain other intelligent beings
- Indian investors pile in to women's cricket
- Richard Leakey established Kenya as a prime source of hominid fossils
- Paul McCartney said he used AI to create what he called "the last Beatles record," more than 50 years after the group's final studio album.
- Most children in poor countries are being failed by their schools
- Chegg Embraced AI. ChatGPT Ate Its Lunch Anyway
- The pandemic's indirect effects on small children could last a lifetime
- Can downtown densification rescue Cleveland?
- A new book shows how the Greek revolution shaped Europe
- The NHL's Vegas Golden Knights won their first Stanley Cup with a Game 5 victory over the Florida Panthers.
- Cormac McCarthy, celebrated US novelist, dies aged 89
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A generation after Germany reunited, deep divisions remain
- Is mining set for a new wave of mega-mergers?
- Sunnova Solar Review: Set It and Forget It for 25 Years - CNET
- How much longer will America's regional banks hold up?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How Saudi Arabia took over professional golf - podcast
- Public money must pave the way for private investment in climate-change adaptation
- Anguish as rape survivors in Sudan unable to access vital medication
- Business
- Accounting for flood risk would lower American house prices by $187bn
- Where have all America's workers gone?
- People of different opinions process political data differently
- How housing became the new divide in British politics
- Migration to Britain hits a record high
- Tell us: have you been diagnosed with long Covid?
- An ancient rice bowl complicates the story of civilisation in India
- Throughout the rich world, the young are falling out of love with cars
- The Turkish economy is in pressing need of reform and repair
- Japan's armed forces are getting stronger, faster
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- 'Forza Motorsport' wants you to drive forever
- Young Montana residents bring climate change case to court for first time ever
- America's debt-ceiling deal means it should now avoid Armageddon
- Hollywood is losing the battle for China
- With Hollywood on strike, foreign shows enjoy the limelight
- How Europe is spluttering its way to better air quality
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Just When You Thought There Was Nothing New to Learn About Donald Trump
- Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive
- Business
- First Republic Bank is on the edge of a precipice
- Why is Italy's public-debt burden so big?
- Film-makers are finding horror, not comfort, in the natural world
- A flurry of new studies identifies causes of the Industrial Revolution
- Is the world economy in a debt trap?
- Fed-Rate Projections Could Rise to Underscore Inflation Anxieties
- DARPA, lasers and an internet in orbit
- 'Eat, pray, pander': mixed reactions after Elizabeth Gilbert pulls Russia-set novel
- Regime change
- In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
- America's far right is increasingly protesting against LGBT people
- An animated documentary tells the story of Amin, an Afghan refugee
- Acheron - Indirect Syscalls For AV/EDR Evasion In Go Assembly
- Google Gets Stricter About Employees' Time in Office
- There's Already Plans for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 2
- The Texas high school that delayed graduation says 100% of seniors are ready to walk
- Egypt's army seems to want to make pasta as well as war
- How young Sudanese are still fighting for democracy
- Denver and the improbable, inevitable Jokić are an NBA dynasty in-waiting
- After 12 years of blood, Assad's Syria rejoins the Arab League
- All around the world, covid surveillance is faltering
- Steven Weinberg died on July 23rd
- For Giorgia Meloni, supporting Ukraine has some useful benefits
- Adding up the fiscal drag from ageing, energy and defence
- Artificial intelligence and the rise of optical computing
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